Potentially much faster sea rise with significantly more Antarctic glacial melt happening more quickly than expected.
My only ocean front real estate is a piece of bare land on the Oaxaca coast atop a cliff 84 meters of solid rock above sea level. I hope to live long enough to design and build a hurricane and earthquake capable final home there.
Florida real estate is proof of short sighted, time insensate insanity, although nimble folk will no doubt still be able to make a killing there for years to come.
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List of best cities to live in the US out yesterday on Yahoo puts Naples Florida as the best.
The climate is hell in Southern Florida. The humidity is rough. I like Arizona.
Also slowing down the earth’s rotation. Frozen water at the poles is what we’re used to. When it melts it turns into ocean, which bulges at the equator. Like a ballerina who puts her arms away from her sides, the rotation slows.
Of course it will take a few thousand million years to make a significant dent, but heck, let’s panic anyway.