Great post. I’ll add a few:
The Next button allows quick browsing through time.
You can also easily find your way to a specific point in time:
You can bookmark and link to a specific point in time. Great for picking up were you left, for example. Random example of link to a specific point:
From any post or thread, clicking on the board name takes you back to the board to the point in time where the post/thread was. In other words, you have context. Don’t wanna derail this thread, but find it easiest to illustrate this by using a thread in the new layout:
Clicking on the board title (on the old site) takes you back to where the post is located and you can find out what the fuzz was all about.
The list of posts/threads displays absolute dates, making it quick and easy to connect posts to important events, e.g. a Fed meeting or a company reporting results for the quarter.
The layout within a thread is compact with minimal padding between posts, and most of the screen space is used for the actual content. This makes it easy to fit long posts or discussions and get an overview with minimal scrolling. Or see the whole post.