No need to yell, Saul.
You’ll likely get your way, which seems to be siphoning away any contributor who looks at things differently than you.
Heaven FORBID the idea of Technical Analysis be brought up.
Heaven FORBID anyone to have the audacity to call you a Trader.
Heaven FORBID that we try and Time the Market*.
You’ll likely get your way by taking the political step of silencing opinion, restricting opinion, and making all sorts of rules and regulations for YOUR board.
It’s one thing to restrict rudeness, unkind words, or posts written to entice a riot.
It’s quite another thing for the leader to bring down the dogmatic gavel and command what shall be followed.
How many people have you invited to leave this board?
Saul said, “There are other great boards for technical analysis.”
Well, sure there are. But the real discussion here wasn’t so much about technical analysis, as it was about macroeconomics, the world markets, the condition of the US economy, et al,- and the effect those things ARE HAVING NOW on “individual stocks” - and which, as it happens, technical analysis will show one.
Heaven FORBID we open the door to another angle, a bigger picture, some additional info other than what Saul is used to.
More to the point, the discussions were about some contributors wanting to help, wanting to add to the discussion, some points which may help others from losing money.
Now Neal has joined the cause by inviting a poster to leave.
"Arindam, why are you even on this board?..
Muddying up a board (any board) with off-topic approaches and responses ruins the experience for everyone else."
“Ruins” it? For “Everyone”?
Because he/she doesn’t march in lock-step w/you and this board and your particular mechanics of buying stocks?
There was nothing antagonistic in the poster’s comment; yet he gets sent out of town for a different “approach”.
Do we really want to be that close-minded? Dogmatic?
"I propose that we let the free marketplace of ideas determine what is getting discussed as opposed to rules and regulations.
If a topic is not interesting, it will die a natural death due to lack of interest."
Now there’s a level-headed, sane and sensible, democratic suggestion.
“Market Timing”
“Technical Analysis”
Saul, you time the markets and it’s tom-foolery to suggest otherwise.
For example, buying SKX or SWKS [or whatever of your picks] now, in this downtrend, is timing the market in the sense of buying at a low, versus another of your purchases that may have been executed higher, and your bet that the markets aren’t all that in trouble and you will have bought at a good low price.
Call it something else, as you will, but it is timing.
Why that word, “timing”, is such an awful thing, with such negative connotations to some, is hard to fathom.
Technical analysis isn’t so much about timing the market and buying at the absolute bottom/selling at the top, as it is about reviewing and being confident of the trend. Most TA users subscribe to the notion of not going against the trend, that the trend is your friend. Charts show a trend [up or down], or consolidation. It’s useful information.
Whether you are willing to admit it or not, you are a trader. You can espouse whatever you wish about your intent to hold [for years!], but you trade. You trade in and out of individual stocks.
Obviously, that’s not a bad thing [for your portfolio].
Yet it offends you intensely to be called as a trader.
Please, don’t answer this or explain; I no longer care.
“When the risk curve limb breaks off the tree I do not want to be near the end of the branch along with all the big heavy money.”