On Apple

Apple may not be the super sexy thing it was, but now it is more.

AT&T has stopped developing some or many of its internal applications for Windows and is now spending its development money on IPad and IPhone apps first then for Andriod apps.

Additionally, they now are using IPads and iPhones to talk to the communications equipment vice laptops. (Communications equipment that is down, communications equipment that is up is contacted remotely from anywhere in the world and often by other machines not people. Can you say, “Terminator?”.)

Currently, I am championing two projects in the internal challenge, both involve Apple. One would be to get away from the mid century practice of measuring work times by performing surveys. Instead we would give I-watches to the techs and measure movement and vital signs, with that we can determine, not only when a ticket is opened and closed, but how much time is spent fighting the programs, and how much time is spent traveling, and how much time is spent actually working.

The other is the idea to build an open source power control system using the raspberry pi. Once it would be built it the human interface would always be via Bluetooth and an app, no front panel at all. (Of course it would always be connected via Ethernet, and the only reason a tech would ever stand in front of it would be for a system recovery.) The idea is for all of the power systems to report in standard formats so that the data can be mined.

Additionally, we are pushing the limits of Apple products in many other ways.

I simply would not write Apple off today. I think it would be pre mature.



The question is not “write[ing] Apple off today” but Apple morphing from growth stock to cash cow value stock, a different investment style.

Additionally, they now are using IPads and iPhones to talk to the communications equipment vice laptops.

Vice has always been a great cash cow, just ask the Mafia. LOL (sorry, could not resist).

But maybe the Apple watch will put another “S” in the price chart. As I said before, we investors live on the right edge of the chart and we can only guess what comes next. Information like you provide about AT&T helps make the guesses educated guesses.


Denny Schlesinger


Everybody is hung up on iPhone sales but Services quarterly revenue is now $10B with a 27% growth rate. A few more years at that rate will fundamentally change the nature of the business.

At 27%, it only takes 3 years to double…


Very good points Qazulight,

The other is the idea to build an open source power control system using the raspberry pi.

Cool, but remember, security first! Like Ricky Bobby said, “you’re either first or your last”.