I can’t locate the thread, but Wendy did a little review of Ken Follett’s book, NEVER, a few weeks ago, so I ordered it, and have enjoyed delving into it a little each late night, as my/our habit is to read a bit before turning out the lights.

Definitely a winner, realistic enough to scare anyone a LOT, as a worldwide scene unfolds…

Nicely done as are all of his works, thanks for the recommendation, now I need to find something a little more relaxing, maybe, a mystery, or SciFi…

In any case, Thanks Wendy!


I can’t locate the thread,

Try Googling: site:fool.com “Macro Economic Trends and Risks” Ken Follett

It does not work in Europe thanks to the bureaucrats!

Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe. Learn more

How are you implementing the recent Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) decision on the right to be forgotten?

The recent ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union has profound consequences for search engines in Europe. The court found that certain users have the right to ask search engines like Google to remove results for queries that include the person’s name. To qualify, the results shown would need to be inadequate, irrelevant, no longer relevant, or excessive.


The Captain

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