OT: Paleo-Antropologists' Fierce War: Science in Action!

This is the first of four videos documenting how “conservative” “Clovis Theory” paleo-anthropologists brutally fought against the emergence of any other theory. The actual scientific story told (that the original humans in the Americas likely came from EUROPE(!) not Asia, and that multiple crossings of multiple peoples from multiple places and multiple times going waaay back) is stunning and interesting. The story of ugly quasi-religous persecution and sabotage is equally stunning in an ugly way.

I think this saga is a perfect cautionary tale regarding how research science actually functions, both its flaws and ultimately its self-corrections,

Enjoy! Comment please!

d fb


I may watch this later tonight, but having read your ultra-short synopsis, I just have to say “I doubt it.”

Looking at the evolution of humans according to the “accepted” theory: (out of Africa, two paths, one through the Middle East and Europe, the other up higher and through into Asia and eventually the American continent and down to South America), and I can see the mutation of the species step by step. Middle Asia (Russia, India) to the Far East (China/Japan/Korea), and the remnants of that lineage in the crossing of a land bridge or short seafaring jaunt to native Americans, and further into the proto-American Indians of Central America and finally to those in the Southern End of South America.

Maybe I’m dreaming it, but I swear you can see that lineage in a nearly straight line; how you night jump from European to Native American would be a mystery. (European: white, thin boned, and getting whiter somehow leads to swarthy, muscular and stony faced natives - including the many sculptured images of the early tribes of South America. That would be odd, indeed.)

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The dudes from Europe long long ago were not white guys, but closer to the out of Africa dudes who, like their cousins pushing into Asia, Australia, Japan, and Oceania, were much better at getting around in boats while chasing seals and other abundant game than 19th C Victorian gentlemen could possible conceive.

The DNA conversations are interesting too.

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But are they saying that dudes from Europe long, long ago made the jump to the new world?


Yes. By boat along the coastlines. And others came by other routes, probably including the famous Bering Strait bridge. And probably others along the Pacific coastlines from Asia, also by boat.

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There are many ways of navigating. Costal is one, dead reckoning is another. The Polynesians criss crossed the Pacific Ocean with their own technology. If Europeans reached Greenland there is no reason to think they could not have reached the mainland.

DNA is likely to provide the best evidence.

Often religion masquerades as Science,

  • Global Warming Catastrophe
  • Covid-19 containment
  • Low fat diet / food pyramid

The Captain

I had observed some of the things that the Polynesians used but had not understood their significance until I read this book. It’s fascinating!


Only in the minds of conspiracy theorists and denialists.

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While True Believers truly believe.

The Captain


Captain, YES!

The book the captain cited, The Last Navigator was a feast of joy and amazement for me, as since reading Michener’s novel Hawaii in childhood I knew of the staggering feats of Polynesian deep ocean navigation, but how they did it was totally mysterious. The knowledge, although still present in the mind/memory of one old man, almost vanished, a narrowly averted tragedy. Rocket Science is mere simple calculations compared to the delicate and complex sensing and mapping of subtly distinct ocean zones as used by the Polynesians.

The articles and lectures I have read on early migration to the Americas suggest the first “pulse” of people were likely coastal seal hunters who had simply figured out how to stay afloat and alive in bitter cold while pushing further and further along the Greenland shallows on to the warmer American shores during the low ocean levels of the last glacial maximums. This was possibly preceded or followed by similar voyages by East Asian coastal peoples along the Alaskan and Canadian coasts, and (based on more and more DNA evidence) Polynesians crossing the last gaps from Oceania to the central sections of the Americas. The long dominant theory of a Clovis land migration over a Bering Strait bridge and on through a land corridor through the ice sheets covering northern North America is losing comparative importance even if true, and its probability is falling,

I have respect onto the greatest awe for all of them however they made passage. Only our wildest fantasies touch on those feats.

“We are explorers reading every sign”

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