Panama backs down a bit too


Wow so we are taking money out of the pocket of a poor nation so we can put pennies into ours. Good Job White House. Way to save.


Isn’t that kind of like a bully taking the lunch money from one of the “special needs” kids at school? Who would be proud of that?

But I suspect it’s very popular with “the base”.



Of course. Part of the oft stated narrative about how the US is being “victimized” by everyone else in the world. The “victim” narrative worked for 41. Every time anyone called him out about warrant-less surveillance, imprisonment without legal due process, or torture, he would start bawling “we were victims on 9/11”.

What next? Thus encouraged by initial success, an extortionist would be back shortly for another slice. This is the sort of situation that many “Columbo” plots were woven around. Except, now, demanding money with menaces, is called “winning”.



Panama allows US carriers through the new canals, but it takes a LONG time. Or one gets “stuck” for “technical reasons” and they gotta send to China for the spare part. Have to wait 3-6 weeks for the part due to the “US tariffs”. Again and again and again and again… Get the idea?

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Or maybe, maybe, it was TI who blinked, and took a consolation prize? On Friday he said there was no way to prevent the tariffs taking effect. Now, the tariffs are delayed a month.



Oooh, oooh, is that lie # 11,780?

Oops, that was a different number. I believe we’re well over 40,000 now. :joy:



Every breath he takes every move he makes…,

d fb


The more I roll this over in my mind, the more I wonder.

As the Canadian PM said, less than 1% of the dope and less than 1% of the illegals, enter the US from Canada. So, what is the real reason for the punitive tariffs?

I can’t help but wonder, does TI, or his base, care one whit about the dope?

I know the base wants all the brown people out. (breaking news on that: El Salvador reportedly will take deportees that came from anywhere, and violent USian criminals. TI suggested a Latin American country house criminals cheaper than US for-profit prisons. Illegal Indians are also being deported.)

The third thing rolling around in my mind, is, beside the base not wanting foreign looking people in the US, they don’t want foreign goods in the US. The take away being that both foreign looking people, and foreign goods, in the US take away well paid manufacturing jobs from poorly educated USians.

So, did the “JCs” expect TI’s tariff talk was nothing but pandering to the base. Then they started foaming at the mouth when he actually did it, and forced him to back off and accept any cosmetic band-aid he could get Mexico and Canada to agree to? So, now the base will be hopping mad, because they aren’t being protected from foreign goods, like they were promised.

tune in again tomorrow, for another gripping episode of “as the stomach turns”



You jumped over the most important part (about China).


The drug rationale is behind the declaration of an emergency a couple of weeks ago which gives the president the ability to go around Congress and unlock federal funding. It will also be useful in the inevitable court cases.


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I don’t think that Panama is a poor country. I was there just a year or two before Covid and compared to my previous visit (decades earlier) they have grown amazingly. I also visited areas away from the canal…not as 1st world.

Pictures of Panama City. booming with new construction


4 Likes,%25%20and%208%25%2C%20respectively.

  • In 2023, California’s gross domestic product (GDP) was about $3.9 trillion, comprising 14% of national GDP ($27.7 trillion). Texas and New York are the next largest state economies, at 9% and 8%, respectively.

Panama 2023 $83,318,176.90 USD Thousands

Who says the road project was or would make money? Owing china is not axwin for Panama

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I think you are bringing up another issue and I bet that Panama is thinking twice about owing anyone.


Let’s keep in mind we are saving $3 million annually - the low end 2-day cost to run a carrier.

Looks more like a way for the US to save face by saying Panama gave us “something.”


So much for backing down.


Panama says they made no such offer. So the statement above may be nothing more than Excremental Output.


Maybe they looked around, noticed all of TI’s other targets telling him to get stuffed, and felt foolish for giving anything up, so repudiated the “arty” deal.

There was a piece on the wire a few days ago: other countries working out how to deal with TI. The consensus, according to the piece, was words to the effect “give up nothing, but let him declare victory on TV”.



And why not? It lets his narcissistic side be happy with himself, and his brain dead minions can claim “victory!”, all the while nothing actually changed.


We’re giving up credibility and trust.