With PFIE trading in the $1.90’s, when do you think it gets low enough for a small position? Or does the oil situation still cloud the future too much to risk anything?

Or does the oil situation still cloud the future too much to risk anything?

Yes but it’s not the future that’s clouded but the stock price. I’m waiting until things start to rebound. It may take a while. When Saudi Arabia gets into a price war, it’s not going to end overnight specially with frackers pumping away. The object of the price war is to curtail production but you don’t shut down producing wells that cost less to pump than the going price of oil, instead you stop drilling new ones. The result is that there is a considerable lag between the start of the price wars and the desired consequence of lowered production.

Denny Schlesinger


With PFIE trading in the $1.90’s, when do you think it gets low enough for a small position? Or does the oil situation still cloud the future too much to risk anything?

tim, those are two great questions. I don’t know the answers. I was asking myself exactly the same questions. My concern is that if sales have significantly dried up, they could post some very negative numbers. I know I might miss a nice bounce, but right now it feels like I’d be catching a falling knife, so I’m holding off. I currently think that will be at least until the next earnings report. I might have to buy significantly higher than it is now, but at least I’ll know what I’m buying, and whether I want to buy it.



Saul, that’s another line of reasoning to get to the same result: wait and see.

Denny Schlesinger

Saul, that’s another line of reasoning to get to the same result: wait and see.

Yes, Denny, we are on the same page here.

Profire Investor Presentation March 2015 (pdf)…

Ten fold revenue growth in five years. Should be interesting when oil prices bottom out.

Denny Schlesinger