Politics and Macro Economics

Interesting article on how METAR and politics play out. History…we either learn from it, or we repeat it.

It’s a long read, enjoy your weekend!

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Taylor Swift

She is only asking younger voters to turn out.

It is about the economy stupid. Read on…

With the exception of millennials (24%), Gen Z adults (28%) are notably less likely than other generational cohorts to identify as conservative. And Gen Z adults (43%) identify as liberal at a higher rate than other generations. A plurality of Gen Z teens (44%) identify as moderate.Jan 22, 2024

Ray Dalio is a pompous behind. Mansplaining instead of having facts.

The Boomers faced 13% inflation in 1980. The group in part shifted harder to the right. Economic necessity at least at first.

Millennials and Gen Z face 3.5% inflation rates with income growth being faster than inflation for them at all income levels.

Unemployment in 1980 was 7.5%.

Today if you want more pay just ask your boss or get another job and you will be paid more. It is easy.

The Millennials and Gen Z will not shift right as they age. Or at least very few will shift right. The boomers try to talk total garbage to them and as prepared the younger folks do not listen to stupid.


Left wing yes but not far left wing. The middle will win out and the far right and far left will be kicked to the shadows again.


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None of the above. This is what I see in you Andy. You are fundamentally a good person who does what is affordable with room to spare. That is our direction as economies of scale in manufacturing come into play over the next three to four decades.

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I think you mean well Leap but I think you Leap to conclusions based on your own fantasies. Nothing wrong with that as long as you are painting a picture but in the real world has less to do with reality. You can’t scream and get what you want, just watch the toddler in the grocery store.



You are projecting too much onto me. Your lower standards are your own.

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