The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation suggests that as of earlier this month, 82 percent of Americans have been infected with the coronavirus at least once. Some of those people might still think they’re never had the virus: Asymptomatic infections happen, and mild symptoms are sometimes brushed off as allergies or a cold.…
To the best of your knowledge, have you had Covid?
Based on a blood antibody test, I have had COVID. With the exception of one day, about a month after I got my first booster, I haven’t had so much as aa sniffle in three years. On that day, I felt as if I would be coming down with the flu on the following day (not really sick, but just had one of “those feelings”). The following day I felt fine. My wife too the same test and was still a virgin (so to speak:-)
So, I guess I’m no longer a virgin, but can’t be sure when I got screwed. That said, we both stay masked whenever there are people around and try to minimize our exposure.
As far as I know, I have not had covid. I know the effect the 1st covid vax had on me, it kicked
my butt for a couple of days. Before that, I had not experienced any sickness that hit that hard.
After that shot, have not experienced any sickness that hit that hard.
As far as I know, I have not had Covid. DD received notice that she was positive on Christmas day. She works with autistic children and her company performed routine tests. She had received her booster about 10 days prior to the positive test and only had mild cold symptoms. DH, me, and 2 other young adults were continuously exposed to DD over the Christmas holiday, all boosted more than 2 weeks, and none of us became infected. I did get a test because I had a weekend trip schedule for the following weekend (dog competition, all outdoors, staying in our RV) and it was negative.
None of us got sick form shots or boosters (yay!).
DH & I still do not go to movies, restaurants, or gyms. We are active outdoors though.
To the best of your knowledge, have you had Covid?
Don’t know. Don’t care. I’m alive and feeling great.
Was exposed numerous times while still working just from the volume of statistical false negative tests on patients.
Last Christmas DW & I felt a little run down for a couple days, debated about getting tested, ultimately decided against it because it wouldn’t have changed our plans of sitting at home in front of the fireplace and reading a good book.
Haven’t really changed my lifestyle: still go to ballgames, concerts, kayaking, etc.
I said yes, while unvaccinated, as there was no vaccine in Feb 2020. Have been vaccinated and double boosted, and to my knowledge have not been infected a second time.
Our son got it for the first time January 2022 after being vaccinated and boosted. Was miserable for a week. Each vaccination did a number on him as well.
I’m shocked that I’m still a virgin at something, but this looks like it’s a good thing
DW has been tested weekly almost since the beginning of the plague as she works in an educational setting and her employer demanded it. She has never tested positive. She is vaccinated and boosted and has not been sick - not even from getting her shots.
I’ve never been tested, so I can’t say for sure whether I’ve ever had it or not, but I sure haven’t been deathly ill - or even somewhat ill - during the past 2.5 years except for each time I got vaccinated / boosted.
We followed all local guidelines regarding face coverings, etc. that were implemented here in MA. We decreased our restaurant visits substantially initially, but then started to return to local eateries first via take-out and now sitting down to help them stay afloat. We have now gone back to attending concerts and being around people. We are not wearing masks right now, but if the local guidelines require us to wear them, we will.
I’m not a huge fan of masks, as they do interfere with my breathing (ex-smoker here) but will wear one if required.
About three months after my 1st booster, we had a Christmas gathering. Interestingly, we all self tasted before we got together. On the Monday after Christmas my oldest daughter (feeling ill) got a PCR test and the next day told us it was positive.
The rest of the family (who were present) gathered around the kitchen table and self tasted. My youngest daughter, her husband, and myself tested positive and the other five members tested negative. We three confirmed our initial abbot home test with a PCR test that day (results followed on Wednesday.)
We three had absolutely no symptoms. I took my temperature twice a day, monitored my Sa02 for five or six days… Nothing
So, long story short, I submit, I would never have tested if my oldest daughter had not had symptoms and tested.
Being that we all pre-tested negative for Covid-19, one of the family must have had a false negative home test. This brings up the “To the best of your knowledge” category; you can test negative even though your covid positive and To the best of your knowledge, say you’re never had covid. Furthermore, even if you test negative for a Covid blood antibody test, doesn’t mean you were never infected in the past.
Furthermore, even if you test negative for a Covid blood antibody test, doesn’t mean you were never infected in the past.
Is there any point in getting an antibody test? It seems to me that money it would cost to get an antibody test could be better spent on testing for Vitamin D.
Is there any point in getting an antibody test? It seems to me that money it would cost to get an antibody test could be better spent on testing for Vitamin D.
LoL right?
The money is better spent on a covid-infested cruise ship (as long as you’re currently up to date with your vaccinations.) I pointed out, with the current level of vaccinations, I’ve not even has a single symptoms with a covid infection. Some people will die, some people will have long Covid-19.
Of the vaccinated, about 7.5% have been tested as infected at least once
Of the unvaccinated, 71% have been tested as infected at least once
The 10:1 ratio is about what is expected as it shows that the vaccines have been successful in reducing the symptoms of COVID infections (rather than completely preventing infection)
The major caveat: unless tested, if no symptoms are present, many may feel that they have never been infected. That’s what I would have assumed in my case if were not for the antibody blood test I took on a whim (it was offered for free at the place I took a PCR test before traveling. They offered one to see if your vax had generated antibodies and a different one to see if you had been infected. Since they used the same poke for both, I asked them to process both - and was surprised when both came back positive.)
Having covid was inconvenient, vastly more because of the isolation than because of the symptoms (and I had symptoms - I knew I was sick before being tested).
The second vaccine shot laid me flat for a day. Fortunately it was a day when I had absolutely nothing on the schedule and it was okay for me to sleep 18 hours of the day and be semi-conscious the other 6.
I donate blood about every 8 weeks. For more than a year and a half, they checked it for COVID antibodies each time, and I was always negative. Unfortunately, they stopped doing this test few months ago. I did contract COVID in May '22 (based on home testing and a positive PCR test), and 2 weeks later tested negative (PCR test).
I know many people that have avoided COVID for over 2 years, all fully vaccinated and boosted, that are contracting it now (I assume it is the highly transmissible BA.2 or BA.5 variant) and having mild symptoms for a few days and feeling mostly normal after a week or so.