X Post: My First Hand Account of COVID

If its time to get your second booster, folks, do it. Do not give this disease a foothold in a weakened immunity. After what I and my wife just went through, I don’t wish this on anyone of any age who is immuno-compromised and who has not gotten their boosted in a timely fashion. Pull out your vaccine card now and if it has been 4-6 months since that first booster, start thinking of your second booster.

I feel gratitude for my quick defeat of the worst of COVID and I am hoping I never experience long COVID symptoms. I’ll add more to this OP which I am cross-posting IF any flare ups come back to haunt me or my wife during Days 7 - 10.



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If its time to get your second booster, folks, do it. Do not give this disease a foothold in a weakened immunity. After what I and my wife just went through, I don’t wish this on anyone of any age who is immuno-compromised and who has not gotten their boosted in a timely fashion. Pull out your vaccine card now and if it has been 4-6 months since that first booster, start thinking of your second booster.

Too bad more Americans don’t think it is necessary …, your nice neighbours to the north where they made life hell for those who didn’t get vaccinated had roughly 40% based on population differences of the COVID deaths suffered south of the border.

United States


We are getting our second boosters today.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope that you and your wife are feeling better.

I will be getting my second booster today. DH got his a few days ago.

I have a question: Why didn’t you and your wife get Paxlovid as soon as you got your Covid positive test?



PeregrineTrader: I’m glad that you and your wife are recovering. Thanks for the reminder of how nasty COVID-19 can be, even with “less severe” variants. In my opinion, even a “mild case” is nasty.

I would get my second booster if I were eligible. But I’m not.

As I posted 2 days ago, there clearly is a new surge. The wastewater viral load is back up to the highest levels since early February and is rivaling some of the pre-Omicron peaks.

Yet people are acting as if the pandemic were over. So we cannot count on people following precautions to end the current surge. I’m not hearing about people getting vaccinated/boosted en masse. “Natural immunity” clearly isn’t working due to new variants. And new up-to-date vaccines don’t seem to be imminent.

I posted before about my multi-step reopening process. The first step is going to the barber shop instead of cutting my own hair. (I cut my own hair back in January and before I was fully vaccinated.) I may have to do my own haircut next time.

Last summer, I went to see fireworks, went to a parade, and went to a county fair. (I still masked up because physical distancing wasn’t really possible.) At the moment, these activities are off the table.

I’m still avoiding junk food and restaurant food. I need all the immune system support and anti-inflammatory support I can get. If it’s not safe to be in a crowd, then it’s not safe to consume sugar bombs or sodium bombs.

In my reopening process, travel comes last.

I will make sure to get enough Vitamin D3 and selenium for the rest of my life, even in the post-pandemic world. I know how much Vitamin D3 I need to maintain a level of 60 to 80 ng/mL. I’m eating one to two Brazil nuts per day. (And I’m thinking of buying a bottle of selenium supplements for travel or for the times I’m out of Brazil nuts.)

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Judy and I got our second boosters last week.

My course till that point was Moderna, so I mixed it up with a Pfizer second booster.

Judy’s course had been Pfizer. She got a Moderna second booster

Just for the record, and before I follow Tim’s lead, the above statement is not just hogwash, it’s dangerous hogwash.

So, the main co-morbidity that matters to the death rate is vaccination status. Get vaccinated and your chances of dying from Covid drops substantially - by a factor of 5. And the side effects of the vaccine are mild, with deaths almost non-existent.


Not to mention that the victims who may catch COVID from him and his thoughtless stupidity may have those co-morbidities he mentions and die.

Amazing how a million COVID deaths in America hasn’t been enough to educate many isn’t it?



My last day of quarantine is tomorrow. Until then, I think of myself as a spreader of disease until I get the “all-clear” tomorrow (hopefully) from my test.

Talked to my brother this morning, 1:00 AM. His wife and daughter traveled to a get together in Connecticut last week. She came home, next day, started showing symptoms. They tested. She was positive, the daughter was not, nor is my brother.

She’s in very bad shape at home on the couch, and she’s got other health issues. I compared my symptoms to what she’s got and I told my brother, “Take her to the ER today. Get in this car this morning. Get that woman before a medical staff trained in all the latest treatments.”

My brother thinks he and another WFH staff member who run nuclear plants ancient code were exposed a year ago. Both of them are showing gastro-intestinal disorders ever since this conference they went to. He remembers having headaches, but no shortness of breath, dizzyness, etc. I notice this morning’s call how he’s struggling to find words to describe his fatigue. He’s ten-years younger than me and he’s not able to work outside in the hot Florida sun longer than 30 minutes.

Everything he’s describing is like from a Long Covid screed I could have written, except, I’m only 9 days into this stuff.

Get your boosters, Kids. I got a feeling we’re going to find out more people are suffering Long Covid who never knew they were exposed. And if you’re male and you have had COVID and are experiencing gastro-intestinal problems months afterward, hit me up in this thread.

I’m hoping to find a Long Covid group or two on Twitter today.

p.s. Got an email from Publix yesterday for a reset of appointment for my 2nd booster. Their roof is being repaired over top of their pharmacy for 10 days. So, now I’m reset for four weeks from now - unless they have some cancellations.

Do not take this disease lightly. You might feel like you’re going to die for 24-48 hours, and afterwards, all happy go lucky. Don’t fall into that trap. Stay healthy, eat healthy foods, read what Wendy has written about Vitamin D and other vitamin needs.

My new neighbor is in his 30s. He has had COVID - twice. And he has Lyme disease. His worst lingering symptom is brain fog. He reminds me of my brother this morning struggling for a simple descriptive word or noun, several times, in our short talk. Talking to my neighbor is like listening to an elderly person get so distracted they can’t finish a sentence. He apologizes for loss of train of thought. He’s a musician and singer, and now days on stage in Key West he uses an iPad with the lyrics scrolling as he sings.


So, the main co-morbidity that matters to the death rate is vaccination status. Get vaccinated and your chances of dying from Covid drops substantially - by a factor of 5. And the side effects of the vaccine are mild, with deaths almost non-existent.


If only we could stamp this on the frontal lobes of every anti-vaxxer in America.

Unfortunately, my response to the drivel got deleted because I quoted the drivel as I refuted it. On the other hand, the e-mail notifying me of the deletion mentioned that the rest of my post was fine. So I’m reposting it because I kind of liked the post. And I spent a bit of time digging up the references to back my conclusions. I’d kind of like those to stick around for posterity. Or posterior. Something like that. So here it is. Again.

PS - stamping that sound bite on frontal lobes won’t work. To do that requires actually HAVING frontal lobes. :wink:

[Insert anti-vax drivel here]

Just for the record, and before I follow Tim’s lead, the above statement is not just hogwash, it’s dangerous hogwash.

Coronavirus is currently infecting between 80 and 90 thousand people a day in the US. Of those people, between 0.5% and 1.0% will die from the disease.

Of those that die, more than 80% are unvaccinated.

Since vaccines began being administered in the US late in 2020, there have been about 580 million doses given, and just under 15,000 deaths reported shortly after the vaccine was administered. Of those reported deaths, 9 have been found to be related to a vaccine. Not 9 thousand, not 9 hundred. NINE.

So, the main co-morbidity that matters to the death rate is vaccination status. Get vaccinated and your chances of dying from Covid drops substantially - by a factor of 5. And the side effects of the vaccine are mild, with deaths almost non-existent.



Got my second booster this afternoon. Less pain (hardly any) in the arm that the previous shots.

The Captain
better ‘boosted’ than ‘busted!’

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