Maybe someone can explain a few questions I have. A couple years ago, I turned 65 and signed up for the Medicare supplemental and Medicare Part D (prescription drug plans). I wanted to have the same coverage as my spouse, who is a little older, but apparently whomever I talked to on the phone, ignored me and signed me up for “their” plan (a different company). (I think I was flipped or something…) So, I ended up with a different company for the Plan D. Our 2 monthly amounts were slightly different to start, but mine is now 3 times what it was originally, while my spouses Part D has stayed a little over $30. So… I am trying to sign up for the same plan as my spouse now. When I call in to the phone number on my spouse’s ID card, because of the HIPPA rules, they won’t disclose what plan that is… so how can I sign up for it?? It is soooooo frustrating. Can someone just tell me if the amount we pay for the Plan D is the SAME, regardless of your age?? Or are we chaged different because of our ages? Thanks for any info.
Usually your medicare card has complete details of what plan you are on.
If in doubt, get out your Gov Medicare book and examine the plans offered in your area. You should be able to find the one that you and your wife have listed.
Part D charges are based on the specifics of the plan you charge - which drugs are covered at how much, deductibles, in addition to your age. So you need to look for a plan from your insurer that has the same formulary lists, the same coverages and the same deductibles if you want to pay the same amount.
Or you could just go to your local SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program). It’s a free service that each state is required to provide for seniors to help them choose the best Medicare coverage for their specific circumstances. IRRC, you live in FL. Here’s the link to the FL SHIP site Florida | State Health Insurance Assistance Programs ( which is called SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Seniors).
Those who live in other states can click on the “SHIP Locator” button on the FL link. It will bring up a list of states - choose yours.
Thanks AJ for the link. I appreciate it.