Grabbed a couple of windfall profits:
BDRY, in 2/3 @ 7.14. Out just now (2/8) @ 7.73. Gain, 8.3%.
OPRA, in 2/6 @6.47. Out just now (2/8) @7.00. Gain, 8.2%.
Both trades were done “by guess and by golly”, rather than as part of a disciplined, systematic campaign, which I’m still trying to put together based on smoothed HA bars. I just saw some intraday opportunities and took advantage of them. Now I’m off to help a friend rip planks for the 23’ boat he’s building. But you might want to add another module to your suite of trading modules that has a larger profit target than 2.5% whose basic idea is this: “over-sold might soon become over-bought”.
I have no idea yet how to translate that to screens and charts. It’s more a matter of “feel”. Something catches the eye. You size a position suitable to your account and tolerance for risk and then act on it. But across a basket of such trades, if done in a consistent manner, the net result might be a positive expectancy.