The Syrian government has constantly expressed its opposition to the US role in Syria, and demanded US forces withdraw. The US has conducted raids against senior ISIL and al-Qaeda leaders in Syria, including ISIL’s Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
So the US pursues ISIL & Al Qaeda regardless where they are & regardless if we are violating sovereign territory of a foreign nation. Screw “rule of law”. Got it. We are still following US perpetual War regime change foreign policy. We are there because we wish to be & Syria cannot prevent us. Some similar elements to the Russia-Ukraine situation.
So the US pursues ISIL & Al Qaeda regardless where they are & regardless if we are violating sovereign territory of a foreign nation. Screw “rule of law”. Got it. We are still following US perpetual War regime change foreign policy. We are there because we wish to be & Syria cannot prevent us. Some similar elements to the Russia-Ukraine situation.
So yo think USA have no right to go after Osama Bin-Laden or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in foreign countries. I do not know why you want cuddle dictatorships and terrorists.
The world is full of countries that do not follow the “rule of law” currently:
Saudi Arabia
North Korea
I do not know why you want cuddle dictatorships and terrorists.
And I don’t understand why you support US aggressive interventionist foreign policy. The War on Terror result of trillions of $ dollars wasted, to say nothing of the American dead & permanently maimed, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, & Libya. The US efforts in those nations were failures & generate an increase of terrorists via drone warfare. Those efforts were counter productive and generally left those nations worse off. Our nation still sits on frozen Afghanistan financial assets while Afghanis suffer hunger. The US is such an humanitarian nation. LOL
US economic warfare against China, Russia & Iran has been ineffective & generally punishes the those countries populaces rather than the leaders.
The argument is that we must do something. But must we? Especially when we have shown to be failures in doing “something”.
It is a case of that we “feel” better in doing something. And we can say we meant well.
And I don’t understand why you support US aggressive interventionist foreign policy.
I do not support all of the interventions. I totally opposed Bush’s invasion of Iraq. I totally support US support of Ukraine in fighting Russian aggression and genocide.
I totally support the killing of Osama Bin-Laden and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Your ideas are strange to me. I believe there are justifications for some of the US aggressions but not all of them. You do not believe in any aggressions.
In that case - if a civilian dies in some middle eastern country - when his orphan grows up - is he justified in “meeting” the American civilians who do have a vote for real?
And - when we buy oil from Saudi or potentially Iran - why is it we will do that while they beat women, and execute gays?
Either way, it’s good for the sweater industry in Europe this winter…