A trio of LNG-related items, at least one directly related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Dynagas LNG
Mentioned Dynagas LNG (DLNG) about 10 days ago. Greek based entity that owns 6 LNG tankers, 5 of which are servicing Russian clients. Company released the Q1 2021 results, including updates on their vessel situation
https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/dynagas-lng-partners-lp… -
New Fortress Energy (NFE)
Developing an LNG liquefaction technology that has a short turnaround time (about 2 years) and is particularly useful for stranded gas locations in shallow water with limited infrastructure support.
Essentially, the company acquires a pair of jack-up rigs (one rig for the gas processing portion, the other for the liquefaction (and perhaps, storage)) and a liquefaction unit.
NFE also has an older Floating Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) that may/may-not be available for use (NFE have multiple ongoing activities, one of which could potentially utilize the FSRU). See next item.
- Golar LNG (GLNG)
About 6-7 years ago, Golar LNG had ordered a newbuild FSRU for a project in West Africa. That project came undone about 5 years ago, and meant GLNG were stuck with an FSRU without a project. Since delivery about 4 years ago, the vessel has never worked as an FSRU. A Stifel analyst suggests there have been recent interest in that FSRU. Two options - Outright purchase of the vessel for $350M - $400M
- Charter the vessel at rates up to $200K daily
Owned NFE and GLNG in recent past. No position in either currently.