SaaS and Cramer

Fwiw, Cramer virtually called a bottom this evening on our most talked about beaten down stocks, will try and find a link later, not out as yet.

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Here is the link……


Cramer virtually called a bottom this evening on our most talked about beaten down stocks

I heard Cramer today. He didn’t necessarily call a bottom for the group. He said he didn’t know whether the decline was like the 2016 decline (down 40+%) of the 2018 decline (down mid-20%s), but he gave his “blessing” to begin buying.



Cramer is smart and sometimes offers good stuff, but it’s crazy how fast he can do a 180.

During his show the night before, he was appalled that callers could be so foolish as to buy any of the cloud stocks when there was obviously a sector shift. Included in his bearish rants were several specific names he was suggesting be bought the next day.

He does that a lot.

I remain bullish.

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