Saul, and his willingness to help


Thank you so much for all you do for us who are needing advice and are willing to learn.

It is much appreciated.



I’ll tag on to that and thank everyone (including Saul) that is able to keep a calm head and discuss issues on the board. The ones (like the current BOFI flap) where people have strong opinions on opposite sides, yet are able to articulate their thinking and act respectfully towards each other, are the ones where we learn the most. The challenging topics, where potential groupthink and herd mentality break down into divergent camps are actually good. It can nudge us to look deeper into the reasons why people have their varied opinions. What are the thought processes and what can we learn, from both sides?

We all leave the boards and log in to our brokers, where we make our own decisions, with nobody accountable but ourselves. If we have done well on the boards first, and in our self-imposed intellectual homework, we have more educated opinions when it comes time to invest our own money and click that buy or sell button.



I’ll tag on to that and thank everyone (including Saul) that is able to keep a calm head and discuss issues on the board. The ones (like the current BOFI flap) where people have strong opinions on opposite sides, yet are able to articulate their thinking and act respectfully towards each other, are the ones where we learn the most. The challenging topics, where potential group think and herd mentality break down into divergent camps are actually good. It can nudge us to look deeper into the reasons why people have their varied opinions. What are the thought processes and what can we learn, from both sides?

We all leave the boards and log in to our brokers, where we make our own decisions, with nobody accountable but ourselves. If we have done well on the boards first, and in our self-imposed intellectual homework, we have more educated opinions when it comes time to invest our own money and click that buy or sell button.


Hear! Hear! Word! What he said!

Well-spoken, Justin. Good stuff.

long on my portfolio
short on nuthin’ cuz i don’t short
simple is as simple does