Shipping broker report ending 01/28/24

Carriers was late with their report this week.

  • 17 bulker transactions this week, including one bulker deal involving a pair of vessels
  • One NMM vessel sold
  • 12 tanker sales
  • Individual deals, and mostly older tonnage.
  • 16 newbuilding transactions in the liquid gas and dry bulk sectors

When the Carriers report was late, I went over to Advanced Shipping & Trading. Have not cross-checked all transactions, but the newbuild orders were quite interesting

  • Maran ordering shuttle tankers for Petrobras work. I guess, the Brazilian shuttle tanker niche is open to competition.
  • Is that Euronav (EURN) order new? Or is this same order from a few weeks back?
  • Seatankers (Norwegian) … um, Fredriksen interests? VLCCs from Chinese yards? My surprise is not the yard origin. It is the vessel type. Maybe recency bias on my part, but I would have favored more Suezmax or more Aframax/LR2 vessels.