SKX up 6%?

I saw this today, and I looked for any info and couldn’t find it, besides the standard trope about “sweep options being purchased at the ask,” or some other claptrap.

Anyone have any idea?

I am still long SKX.


Thanks also Saul for your board and Happy Holidays/Happy Hannukah/Merry Christmas everyone! (Too early?!?)

SKX up 6%?

I wouldn’t get too excited yet. It’s still below where it was a week ago today, even after today’s rise.

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Upgraded by outfit called Vetr Inc:

Upgraded by outfit called Vetr Inc:

I was interested to see if they provided a rationale. I didn’t see any, but they are QUITE specific regarding their price target:



And I bet they have a spreadsheet to support that target too. :slight_smile:



If I had to guess maybe the up swing was following the CEO’s lead of purchasing some shares the past few days.…

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maybe the up swing was following the CEO’s lead of purchasing some shares the past few days.

Or…it was the 27 shares I bought today…