Some good Antarctic news



Probably mixed news -

“Our results also indicate weakening sea ice conditions, making the glaciers’ floating ice tongues more vulnerable and unable to grow as large as seen in the early aerial images from 1937. We know from other parts of Antarctica that the ocean plays an extremely important role and drives the massive and increasing melt we see in, e.g., West Antarctica,” says Dømgaard.

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Fig. 1: Historical glacier reconstructions and aerial images. | Nature Communications

From the original Nature article. is a parrot - WITH LOTS OF ADV content and STRANGELY without many IMAGES from these publications.

many more images and context, here:
Early aerial expedition photos reveal 85 years of glacier growth and stability in East Antarctica | Nature Communications


Something to keep a watch on in the coming decades. Interesting that they also noted increased precipitation has made for a negative contribution to sea level rise from Antarctica.


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DB2 seems to always miss the important information.

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