Somehow, my post earlier this morning about tariffs has vanished

Yesterday, when 25% tariffs on the EU, effective in early April, were threatened, the remarks spoken created confusion whether the tariffs on Mexican and Canadian goods would be delayed, another month.

That was clarified this morning: the tariffs on Mexico and Canada go into effect next week.



Somehow factual posts are disappearing because they offend someone.


The reality-impaired are having problems, so they flag it (reality) in the hopes it will “go away”.


The funniest thing is, when an entire threat vanishes, I don’t receive an e-mail. There was another thread, a couple days ago, I forget what about, that entirely vanished, including my comment to someone else’s OP. No e-mail about it. Just gone down the memory hole.

…maybe that other thread, that disappeared, was about threads disappearing?



TMF does not sent e-mail (if it is NOT soliciting). If you mean a notice on TMF about the deletion, no surprise.

I do receive e-mails, when my posts are deleted, with a link to the purged post. Except in these two cases.


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Interesting. I never get e-mail about anything.

Have you changed e-mail addy since you first registered with the Fool? If so, did you change your e-mail registered with the Fool?


No changes at all in 10+ yrs. TMF changed a LOT.

I have also seen that and very much do not like it.

It could be that we get emails about our flagged posts giving us the chance to edit them but not about complete threads (threats?) being removed.

My last flagged post was flagged because I quoted some nasty words by another Fool so look before you Leap!

The Captain

Sure Denny but it had nothing to do with me. Meanwhile you flagged me yesterday for saying the truth about things.

We are seeing tons of garbage that won’t work economically but no industrial policy.

The market traders see ignorance.