Something on CNBC Worth Checking Out

I rarely check CNBC, but saw an Ad for their new section on 25 years of Berkshire Meetings.…

Lot’s of great stuff to dig through and learn from. Although Buffet is seen as a value investor, I think some of his and Charlie Munger’s ideas around finding great businesses, leadership teams, moats, etc can be applied to the stocks we all research/own.

I believe 2-5 years from now, many will look back at the stocks we talk about here which are currently seen as crazy expensive by many analysts and say “wow they were cheap back then”.

Why? Because they will continue to innovate and come up with new products that we never even imagined.

Here’s a timely quote from Buffet when he was asked about having an opinion on the market.

He said that he and Charlie never have an opinion on where the market is going because they would have no idea if they were right or not. Those thoughts would get in the way of what they are good at being right about…finding great businesses. He also said it would be extremely foolish not to invest in what they thought was a great business if they believed the market might take a down turn.…

This answer hit home, especially after such a long bull market and so many people claiming we will get destroyed when the market takes a dive (200% - 300% ago for some of the investors here…funny how that works).