speaking of labor, and minimum wage

A few years ago, a petition drive in Michigan put a proposal on the ballot to increase the state’s minimum wage and increase employee paid sick time.

The (L&Ses) in Lansing quickly amended the new law with weaker provisions.

A court has held that the (L&Ses) cannot preempt the will of the people in that manner, so the official state minimum wage appears headed for $12, from the current $9.87. Tipped employee wages also rise from $3.75 to $12. Of course, in the present environment, where burger flippers are earning $15/hr, $12 is irrelevant.

Not surprisingly, the hospitality industry is having an apoplectic fit at a “big gummit” wage increase that has already been superseded by events.

Michigan judge restores minimum wage, paid leave laws gutted by Legislature

The opinion, by Judge Douglas Shapiro, reinstates the original initiatives as drafted by liberal advocacy groups, directing Michigan to increase its minimum wage law to $12 an hour — up from $9.87 — and require thousands of previously exempt small businesses to provide paid sick leave to workers.

Justin Winslow, president and CEO of the MIchigan Restaurant Lodging Association,…“If this were to be immediately implemented, the chaos it would wreak on the already battered hospitality industry during peak travel season would be almost inconceivable,” said Winslow, whose organization lobbies for the $40 billion Michigan hospitality industry.


Meanwhile, I watched a debate among candidates for Gov last night. They were all against “corporate welfare” incentives to locate factories in the state, but all gave full throated support for tourism. How the heck can you build a state economy on lousy, minimum wage, seasonal, hospitality “jobs”?



How the heck can you build a state economy on lousy, minimum wage, seasonal, hospitality “jobs”?


Good question.

Are “lousy, minimum wage, seasonal, hospitality “jobs”” better or worse paying than fast food take out jobs?


OK much of my extra pay was due to my specialist (aircrew allowances) as it cost the government a fortune to train replacements)

Are “lousy, minimum wage, seasonal, hospitality “jobs”” better or worse paying than fast food take out jobs?

Flipping burgers in a Micky D’s is at least year 'round employment. A lot of Michigan loses it’s charm when temps go below freezing. Not everyone travels to the lake shore to look at the ice piled up on the lee short, like my aunt did.

But flipping burgers is not as profitable for the state as screwing lugnuts on a new pickup that someone in Nebraska will pay $50K for.



“Flipping burgers in a Micky D’s is at least year 'round employment. A lot of Michigan loses it’s charm when temps go below freezing. Not everyone travels to the lake shore to look at the ice piled up on the lee short, like my aunt did.”

There isn’t enough population to be building factories in northern MI. You need a good worker base and it just isn’t there. Half the jobs and population are seasonal with thousands of summer homes, tens of thousands of tourists. Half the places shut down for the winter.

Only southern MI would have enough workers for a large factory. Like Detroit…

Not many are going to move to Traverse City MI for the winter weather year round.
