Start button menu won't work

I picked “SupportAssist OS recovery” and that had “reset” as an option. So I’m going for it! Stay tuned!


It has mostly worked but seems to be stuck at “updating Dell”. Windows update has finished but the Dell update is taking forever. I’m starting to wonder if I should just reboot and hope for the best.

If you reset it to like new, then it will have a lot of updates so don’t reboot. It will just start the process over again. Let it run all night and see if that fixes it…doc


Well, all done! Computer working better now.
Thanks for all the help!
By the way, the Dell update never seemed to complete. Over night and longer. Finally gave up on that. Everything seems fine.


Congratulations RB. You might give a couple of days and run it again. Sometimes it takes two or three times for the computer to work through problems. Although if you are happy you could just let it go. I am happy you are up.



:smile: Thanks :slight_smile:

This saves my computer budget! Didn’t want to have to buy a new one for the wife just yet!

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RB my windows days are long gone - so if people from the Windows camp suggest otherwise, they would know better.

That said, my experience with the kind of stuff (with MSFT years ago and MacOS in recent times) suggests leaving the computer running 7/24 for a couple of days. Some clean up &, organizing after installs take time and use a significant RAM.

I actually run my Mac 7/24 and rebooting is in my reminder list.


Windows 10 is by far the best Windows ever, in my experience. Night and day. No viruses, no crashes, etc., since Win 10.
We leave our computers on 24/7 also, except for occasional updates and rebooting to free up memory.