This one year old Windows-10 computer is pestering me to upgrade to Windows 11.
Anyone have thoughts about this? Is it so unbelievable wonderful that my life will change forever?
Or maybe the ribbon has a new theme scheme or…?
It’s been great, they actually combined all the settings and control panel stuff into one nice well organized searchable place! It’s been running great for me. I don’t like the start menu or the changes on the taskbar so I run classic shell for the start menu and another program to get my taskbar back. Overall it’s nice and I like it a lot.
This one year old Windows-10 computer is pestering me to upgrade to Windows 11.
I was annoyed by several things… for a few weeks. Some I was able to fix. Otherwise I adapted. That was some months ago now and I don’t think about it any more. For me it is now no big deal.
(On the other hand, changes between Microsoft Office 2010 I used to use and Office 365 continue to afflict me.)
Anyone have thoughts about this?
It didn’t prove to be much of a big deal for me. Other than all of you icons being in the middle now instead of where they use to be. I don’t even notice it now. The other thing I had to adapt to is the power switch. I usually leave my computer up (running 24/7) and power down on Saturday morning. Trying to find the power switch was different but now that I know where it is it’s no big deal.
(On the other hand, changes between Microsoft Office 2010 I used to use and Office 365 continue to afflict me.)
Yea, I hear ya on the M/S Office deal. I had the disc and “key” on what I think they called Microsoft Home/Student. When I bought a new PC a couple of years ago even though I had the disc and software key Office wouldn’t load on the new PC. I had to convert to the subscription mode of Office and have been paying something in the neighborhood of $75 annually ever since.
In spite of the annoying reminders, there is no rush to upgrade to Windows 11. [In my case it’s the reminder that my computers cannot upgrade to Windows 11 that annoys]. I intend to run Windows 10 for a number of years until its end of support (2024?). But if you have adapted to Win10, there is nothing scary about Win11. Things are a bit different, the interface is nicer, but there is no steep learning curve. If my computers were eligible, I’d do it.
Having said that, I do have Win 11 running on several virtual machines and it is a nice distro. So I know for me there’d be no downsides to upgrading (if I was eligible).
I did the upgrade (from 10 to 11) when it was offered. 11 is better than 10. Go for it.