Stop eating oats for a while

This will get straightened out pretty quickly now.

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Do I run away from my Cheerios faster than I run away from niacin? Or is this just more media hype and hysteria? After all, I’m not growing any fetuses, so is any of the hysteria relevant?



The relevant question is: Are you in your main reproductive years?

You roll the dice you take your chances.

Without me.

Trader Joe’s has not had their steele-cut oatmeal for a while now. Will wonders never cease?

I apparently am at less risk with my organic oats 1 chance in 7 of exposure to a low dose. Less risky but not perfect, I will study it further.

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This is the reason why people should think more objectively about GMO crops. Just saying…

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I have heard GMO crops need more roundup because the weeds have become resistant.

The Roundup Ready Controversy.

Very often a lot more roundup is used on GMO crops.

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This is the description of the site you’ve linked to (the site’s own disclaimer, in fact). You might need to verify what you’ve read elsewhere

Dropped niacin when the studies showed it was not really effective.

Bought a big box of Cheerios about 6 mo ago. It will last 2-3 yrs–or more. I am still working on a case of Frosted Flakes bought in 2016-2018. Maybe 70% - 80% through it. It was a case of 96 1-oz servings, each individually packaged.

Don’t they go stale?

Did you see the latest media hysteria about niacin?

AHHHHH!!! My Cheerios contain niacin!!! AHHHHHH PANICPANICPANIC!!!

Not that I can tell. Last year I found ONE package with the top cover not on straight (it was rotated 30-degrees on the package top)–THAT one was bad. But nothing wrong with any of them other than that one–for now.

I was taking Niaspan also (Rx) as doctor recommended. I do not (did not) eat much cold breakfast cereal. I want something different. So I never really considered nutritional content. English muffins, cookies, bakery muffins, and so on–I wanted sweet and/or savory but not cereal-sweet. Current interest is omelet with bacon and cheese. About $2/day for breakfast (when I make it) is pretty reasonable. I keep 1-2 boxes in the freezer when I get the urge to eat it. Takes 3-4 minutes, so no big deal.

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Impacts of genetically engineered crops on pesticide use in the U.S. -- the first sixteen years | Environmental Sciences Europe | Full Text.


Contrary to often-repeated claims that today’s genetically-engineered crops have, and are reducing pesticide use, the spread of glyphosate-resistant weeds in herbicide-resistant weed management systems has brought about substantial increases in the number and volume of herbicides applied.


I fully admit that this is not my field and that I am too unfamiliar with the totality of the literature to be due an opinion on the subject, but I can’t help wondering what exactly you’re typing into your chosen search engine in order to miss reviews like this?..

Always good to be as cautious when you stumble upon something that appears to support your belief as something that doesn’t.

If you read the abstract it was more on pesticides. We are discussing herbicides.

Read the conclusion that supports what I am saying in modest terms. The farmers in practical terms have upped their use of gylphosate. This is stated but not fully calculated.

One of the most striking impacts associated with use of GM HT (largely tolerant to glyphosate) seed technology has been how the nature and profile of herbicides used has changed. Before the availability of GM HT technology, weed control in most crops was based on the use of a fairly broad range of, mostly selective (grass weed and broad-leaved weed) herbicides. With widespread availability of GM HT seed technology, this practice was largely replaced by use of one or two broad-spectrum herbicides (mostly glyphosate) used in conjunction with a small number of other (complementary) herbicides (eg, 2,4-D). This resulted in:

The second result is nebulous. BTW this is why research is wrong a lot of the time. Even when done properly. The results started with a conclusion that was not known and is now misstated.

In other countries, the switch to using GM HT technology resulted in a net increase in the amount of herbicide active ingredient used when compared to usage on the conventional crop alternative.

My comment the US is the worst offender on the planet. But not in this report?

I will leave you to read the third result for yourself. The result or conclusion is nebulous again and states a change in the US since 2020. The change is to ask farmers to try to use other herbicides besides roundup. Otherwise the entire third conclusion backs up the use of herbicides went up with GMO seeds. As stated boldly above…“With widespread availability of GM HT seed technology, this practice was largely replaced by use of one or two broad-spectrum herbicides (mostly glyphosate)” This may be wishful thinking since 2020 when the farmers got such requests. Most of it remains roundup.

Read this but remember the risks here are noted in a nebulous way. The amounts of roundup used on American farms has risen.

Roundup Weedkiller Is Blamed for Cancers, but Farmers Say It’s Not Going Away - The New York Times.

Cereal requires the least amount of assembly. Pour into bowl. Grab spoon. Eat. I used to eat other cereals, flavored varieties of Special K or Chex. Very tasty, but two problems: they have a rice base, with very little fiber, so not filling, and tasted good, so I was inclined to eat more, which combined with the low fiber content to yield some unexpected amounts consumed. The oat base in Cheerios has more fiber, and they really don’t taste very good, so I am inclined to eat less. And Cheerios are cheap.

Raisin Bran is a double threat. Tastes good, especially the ones where they mix some nuts and cranberries in. High calorie. High cost. I could plop down to watch a movie in the evening, and start munching Raisin Bran, and suddenly realize I had eaten half the box.


They are way over processed so little to no water is left in the grain. They are unsatisfying plus they are sugar which creates cravings.

Great for parents with small kids who get up early in morning. The kids can feed themselves given a choice of 2-3 cereals kept in a base cabinet where they can get it. They will burn through whatever they eat fairly quickly. However, adults usually will not burn through it as quickly. So the need for more adult-oriented cereals is reasonable. But they will also be more expensive. Raisin Bran is one such cereal. Lots of seniors eat it, I never liked it. So, never got it for myself.

I’m not making any recommendation but this info may be useful. Chlormequat is only allowed for use on ornamental plants in the US, so our Chlormequat exposure probably comes from imported oats… It is commonly used in agriculture in Canada, the UK, and probably the EU as it is the most common pesticide found in European urine samples.

Your decision may depend on how healthy you feel are Canadians and Europeans.

See the intro for more info:

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