The Power of Zero, Book

Thoughts on this book:

I got an unsolicited LinkedIn message from someone wanting to give me a copy for free (in exchange for my contact information of course). I’m unwilling to give my information away given how cheap this book is on Kindle. But wondering if anyone has read it? Thoughts? TIA.

My thoughts are no reason to buy this book. Everyone can find the zero tax line for their particular situation by playing with a 1040 planner.
The difficulty lies in having assets in the proper buckets to achieve a low enough taxable income to reach it. For Mfj on social security sixty seven thousand dollars per year should be close to the zero line. Take any additional spending from Roth or cap gains only. It helps to manage where your assets are which requires planning before retirement. It also helps to have home and car paid for with no debt to speak of. I have managed to end up after seven years retired with a MIx of 30% of assets in taxable accounts, 30% of assets in Ira’s, and forty percent of assets in Roth Ira’s, but it took both planning and luck.


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Haven’t read it. Wouldn’t bother. While Ed Slott is generally considered to be a well-respected tax expert, he only provided the foreword to the book, and talks about how he’s been warning for years that taxes are going to go up, and now it seems like he’s REALLY convinced. So, by writing the foreword, he’s promoting this book that pushes LIRPs (Life Insurance Retirement Plan). Here’s a screenshot of the table of contents from the sample at the link you provided:

See Chapter Five titled “The LIRP”?

The guy who’s offering you this book is just going to spam you to try to sell you life insurance you buy with the money that’s in your Traditional accounts, so you can borrow against the life insurance to get money ‘tax-free’ by taking out loans on it. Never mind that the fees and interest you’re going to pay the life insurance company are probably at least as much as you would have paid in taxes, and that once you run out of the original amount you paid for the life insurance, you’re going to be paying taxes on the loan amounts you take out, in addition to the fees and interest.