Texas now tops the list, beating out the old stalwarts of Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana.
Texas now tops the list, beating out the old stalwarts of Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana.
If you do not tax the rich the state gets very poor. It is not hard to figure out. The rich walk off with your money. The state might even go into debt to give more money to the rich.
As a life-long resident of IN, I am not surprised.
I’m trying to think what all 10 have in common. Wait, wait. It’ll come to me.
When did the Commies take over bubblevision? “quality of life” used to only measure things that interested the “JCs”, like low taxes, low regulation, and low pay for Proles.
But at least air quality seems to be good in TX, if you can otherwise “stand the heat.”
Depends on whether you’re up- or downwind.
Isn’t everywhere downwind in Texas?
Depends where you live. I lived in the Galleria Area about 6 miles West of downtown along with most of the other upper income people. The prevailing winds are generally from the West and there’s about 120 miles between you and the nearest Chemical Plant or Refinery down wind in San Antonio. Almost all of the air pollution you get on the West side of town are the cars, trucks and buses stuck in traffic on the freeways and city streets.
Maybe 3 or 4 times a year there will be a High Pressure system in the Gulf of Mexico that brings the wind from the South East. That’s when you get the heavy petrochemical smell from the massive collection of oil refineries and chemical plants in that part of town, but it usually only lasts for a day or two.
Heat and flooding from climate change is going to be a bigger concern throughout Houston going forward – and with theologically-informed Gov’t administration it’s guaranteed to be a Hellscape. {{ LOL }}