This Board is Closing

Update from The Motley Fool…

Non-financial boards are closing soon.

We will be closing non-financial boards in the near future. Once closed, these boards will continue to be accessible in read-only form. If you’re disappointed, we understand. Thank you for being an active participant in this community. We have more community features in development that we look forward to sharing soon.


How did you determine this is a non-financial board?

And yes, I can see the announcement at the top of the page.



This isn’t a non-financial board. It’s in the Personal Finances folder which will be retained.


Go to Boards Home, the second column labeled “Your Life” is going bye bye

Go to Boards Home, the second column labeled “Your Life” is going bye bye

Boards Home is seriously out of date. If the message at the top of the message has disappeared, it isn’t being closed. Look for discussion on Improve the Fool board. I pointed out back in 2018 that the Boards Home page was not updated for current message board locations.


Boards Home is seriously out of date. If the message at the top of the message has disappeared, it isn’t being closed. Look for discussion on Improve the Fool board. I pointed out back in 2018 that the Boards Home page was not updated for current message board locations.

the message works too however they have recently updated the boards home and it is an accurate list.

the message works too however they have recently updated the boards home and it is an accurate list.

Yes, that is a recent change. Earlier this morning, the message was on all boards, including retained ones. You couldn’t look at the Boards Home page that lists a few boards under each folder since a number of boards were moved from their respective folders, going all the way back to 2018. As I pointed out in my old post, Retired Fools in still show in the Birds of a Feather in the My Life column even though it was moved to the Retirement Discussions folder years ago.