We will be closing non-financial boards in the near future. Once closed, these boards will continue to be accessible in read-only form. If you’re disappointed, we understand. Thank you for being an active participant in this community. We have more community features in development that we look forward to sharing soon.
This board is NOT closing, nor is any board in the Your Money column on the main board page (https://discussion.fool.com/ ), including ones about Help with this Stupid Computer, Home/Car Ownership, Personal Finance and giving the Fool feedback. The boards in Your Life column are closing though for a myriad of reasons.
You’ll still be able to get computer help here…having a working computer is part of your financial life.
But this board IS in the “Your Life” column - it’s the first board listed under “Computers, Phones & Internet”
It’s in the Fool Community Help Desk folder now. The Boards Home page is terribly outdated where some boards were show in the wrong folder going back to 2018 when I noted it. It doesn’t help TMF to tell people to look if a board is in the My Money or My Life column since those columns are out of date.
As has been noted, this board is being spared. I posted on the paid boards and part of the TMF response:
There are a few that still show in the Your Life column that have actually already been migrated to the Your Money folders but the webpage hasn’t been updated. They’re working on that now (things like Help with this Stupid Computer and Buying and Maintaining a Car have been moved to Your Money)
I suspect that part of the problem is that the existing board system and related web pages are so ancient that nothing is really simple.
This board is NOT closing, nor is any board in the Your Money column on the main board page (https://discussion.fool.com/ ), including ones about Help with this Stupid Computer, Home/Car Ownership, Personal Finance and giving the Fool feedback. The boards in Your Life column are closing though for a myriad of reasons.
Well, which is it? This board is in the Your Life column.
From what I see, this Board is part of the list of “Your Life” boards.
Same for Television Banter and Great Movies and other non-financial and non-political Boards.As I see it, both of them and others are a part of my “financial life.”
“I think they are reorganizing for the purge and this one will survive as the message is not above.”
I’m thinking they just wanted to rid themselves of Political Asylum and its like (altho’ I don’t frequent or know of any other political or current events boards). They chose a nuke rather than a pistol.
This board is NOT closing, nor is any board in the Your Money column on the main board page (https://discussion.fool.com/ ), including ones about Help with this Stupid Computer, Home/Car Ownership, Personal Finance and giving the Fool feedback. The boards in Your Life column are closing though for a myriad of reasons.
THIS BOARD. then, IS CLOSING since it is not in the Your Money column, but in the Your Life column.
THIS BOARD. then, IS CLOSING since it is not in the Your Money column, but in the Your Life column.
It’s probably not. While the emissary from FoolHQ, Jen, (aka CMFsomethingorother) said to look at those columns, she’s wrong. That particular listing is terribly out of date.
At the moment, a better indicator is the presence or absence of the announcement at the top of posts when reading the board. If there is NO announcement, the board is not closing. Probably. Unless that is now broken as well.
She also confirmed that HWTSC will survive in a thread on Improve the Fool board.
Usta be... till the "pay to play" fiasco. Most jumped ship for FB then. TMF's social side has never recovered from that major screwup.
so you’re saying “You’ll still be able to get computer help here…having a working computer is part of your financial life.” that if your using a pc computer for your posts and to check into your finances, that’s ok - but if you’re using an Apple product such as an iMac - you’re ok???