I noticed you refer to yourself as “Host of the Board” and would appreciate if we stick to evaluating stocks as investing opportunities. Others have referred to this forum as “Saul’s Board” and that we only discuss “Saul’s Stocks.” Is this to be considered as a change in policy? Is this to be a learning forum with other viewpoints welcomed considering the markets and the world are changing. Differing viewpoints would die by themselves if there is no interest, and at the same time they would flourish if merit and potential opportunity was found in them?
Hi b&w, You have several questions there.
First question – Others have referred to this forum as “Saul’s Board” - Well of course this is “Saul’s Board”! It’s clear from the title of the Board: “Saul’s Investing Discussions”…
Second question - With regards to discussing only Saul’s stocks, I have never, ever wanted to restrict the discussion to stocks I was already invested in. You’ve been around the board long enough to know that I get a lot of ideas from stocks that others bring to the board and that I have never even heard of before (Kite and ZioPharm just recently, as an example). Here’s the quote from The Rules of the Board on the Knowledgebase:
As far as restricting to “Saul-type stocks”, I don’t know what a “Saul-type stock” is. Seriously. I look at a stock and examine it with the method outlined in the Knowledgebase, which is available to everyone. So let’s not talk about Saul-type stocks, which don’t have any fixed meaning that I’m aware of, and let’s talk about evaluating stocks using the “Knowledgebase method,” or even the “Saul method” if you like a shorter title. Some people will prefer to use other methods. That’s what makes horse racing, to mix a metaphor. This board isn’t about any particular stocks. It’s about learning how to evaluate stocks using a valuable, effective and common sense method. With the method, you’ll find your own stocks! I’ve seen calls to move discussions of companies to other boards because I’ve sold out of them. I don’t think that’s a good reason to stop discussing a stock. I sell out of plenty of stocks but welcome discussion of them… We are here to discuss interesting stocks, and whether I am personally invested in them is irrelevant.
Third Question: Is this a change in policy? Are other viewpoints welcome? I’m not sure what you mean there. There’s no change in policy. Other viewpoints have always been welcome and people have always disagreed with me about individual stocks. However, I set this board up to discuss growth stocks. It’s not a board to discuss all the subjects in the world. You’d be amazed how fast people would drop off if it was that diluted. But you can discuss individual growth stocks from any point of view you want.
However there ARE subjects that don’t belong on the board. As I said, this board is for the discussion of growth stocks, and the Rules of the Board also makes clear that there are subjects that don’t belong on the board. These include subjects such as politics (which turn into vicious fights and are very destructive), technical analysis, option trading, investing for dividends, investing in going-nowhere stocks for turnarounds, or sell-off-the-parts candidates, etc. Again, there are plenty of boards where those discussions would be very welcome, but this one is for growth stocks.
And, again from the Rules of the Board:
Expressions of anger because people disagree with you about a stock are definitely out of place here.
Hope that helps,