Undervalued Stocks Software

Hello you very wonderful and intelligent people that make up this forum, i truly hope you are well and things are going positive for you.

I please wanted to ask if you know any software that automatically calculates whether a Value stock is undervalued or whether a Growth stock has room to grow from its current share price please using an analysis such as Discounted Cash Flow analysis please? This would show this data immediately and be calculated for you. If you kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.

I am wanting to then use this indication to only analyse stocks that are undervalued, as it would take a lengthy period of time creating calculations manually and wanted to know how i could automate this process please.

Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope you continue to have a wonderful life and achieve massive success with your investing. With the very best of wishes to you.

Using Google sheets you can download current stock info from a list of stocks including stock price, PE and earnings per share. Below is a re-post from a year ago.

Track stock prices or earnings

Excellent Youtube example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94XpstOfZoU

=Googlefinance(ticker), [attribute],[start date],enddate|number days], [interval]

Ticker Name Price PE High52 Low52
=GoogleFinance(A3), “name” or B2

Price =Googlefinance (A3,C2) Chg to $A$3 and drag across.

Sample Usage
GOOGLEFINANCE(“NASDAQ:GOOG”, “price”, DATE(2014,1,1), DATE(2014,12,31), “DAILY”)

Returns list of prices for last 30 days.

Returns price from 90 days ago.

=GOOGLEFINANCE(“GOOG”, “price”, DATE(2019,1,1)) returns one date
=GOOGLEFINANCE(“GOOG”, “price”, DATE(2019,1,1-90)) returns one date 90 days previous


GOOGLEFINANCE(ticker, [attribute], [start_date], [end_date|num_days], [interval])


“price” - Real-time price quote, delayed by up to 20 minutes.

“pe” - The price/earnings ratio.

“eps” - The earnings per share.

“closeyest” - The previous day’s closing price.

“close” - The closing price for the specified date(s).

“return13” - Thirteen-week total return. (Mutual funds only)

=GOOGLEFINANCE(A25,“close”, DATE(2023,2,20)) works but 2 rows w titles and then date and close

Create row with close for feb, mar, apr, may 20 close

Copy across four columns, use $a and update dates across. Best to do symbol in next row. Then copy to 3Monthgain spreadsheet as sheet C.

Then enter stock tickers one at a time and copy info.

tsla 2/21/2023 16:00:00 197.37 3/20/2023 16:00:00 183.25 4/20/2023 16:00:00 162.99 5/22/2023 16:00:00 188.87 -4.306632214


Thank you ever so much for your response pauleckler, that was very kind of you. I truly appreciate your help with this, that was very kind of you. I truly hope you are doing well.

I really appreciate what you said, using Google sheets you can download current stock info from a list of stocks including stock price, PE and earnings per share. Thank you ever so much for your help with this, it means alot.

Can i please ask if you know any software that will also calculate a company’s intrinsic value price please? I would love to use this alongside the Google sheets information, which i will start using. If you kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.

Sending you lots of good wishes pauleckler and i truly hope you achieve massive success and continue to have a wonderful life. Have a fantastic and peaceful weekend. With my every best wishes.

Sorry. Can’t help with intrinsic value. I would assume that comes from company balance sheet data. I don’t know if that info is downloadable. But perhaps services like ValueLine, S&P, or Bloomberg have it available.

Most everybody knows what intrinsic value is but there is no formula for calculating it. Years ago, during a discussion about intrinsic value right here at TMF, I read the Investing Bible for the Nth time searching for it. The title of the Investing Bible is Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, the first edition was issued in 1934. Warren Buffett studied under Ben Graham.

The closest one comes to a formula is the discounted present value of all future cash flows but don’t get your hopes up. This method works well with bonds where you have all the inputs, Expiration date, interest rate, coupons, etc. The only unknown is whether the issuer will have the cash to pay the coupons and the principal in good time. Studying the financial statements one can get a good idea if the issuer is liquid enough. Applied to stocks discounted cash flow is a pipe dream. Most the inputs are guesses. How much will the cash flow be in ten years? What will be the interest rate? For security the users of the method jack up the interest rate based on the perceived risk. Note, not the calculated risk but the perception the investor has. The reason is that with stocks all you have is uncertainty, not a risk that can be calculated. Economist Frank Knight discusses the difference.

It contains an interesting discussion of the difference between risk and uncertainty.

I’m not trying to discourage you. Just don’t waste your tine looking for easy solutions. Read books by and about successful investors like Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, as well as speculators and traders like Jesse Livermore

For technology stocks I recommend The Gorilla Game and other books by Geoffrey Moore and The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton Christensen

To get a feel for why the stock marker is so difficult I suggest reading Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos by Mitchell Waldrop. It’s a fun read.

Stuart Kauffman is my favorite Complexity scientist

Increasing Returns and the New World of Business

I better stop…

The Captain

BTW, Warren Buffett said “Better a good company than a cheap stock’”