US AID office gone away

Apparently, all employees of the US AID office in DC have been terminated. Heard this from someone who was employed there at the beginning of the week.

Their website was still up a few minutes ago. All the art had been removed from their office walls to prevent the administration from evaluating their function based on that art. All the bosses have been fired, too.

So, exactly how does a purely isolationist economy work, again?


It doesn’t. It does drive them closer to China though.

Talk me out of liquidating stocks for Treasuries for the short term. :frowning:


My Albanian friend (yes, a gay rights contact of mine from 40 years or so ago when Albanian nutso “communist”isolationism made China look like a free trade free thinking zone) tells me the essence of isolationist economics is arbitrariness expressed via bribes, favoritism, lies, and the sick sensation of falling ever further behind the world….


Found a news article, for those interested.


You mean like the incoming FBI director nominee being gifted a very large share of stock in DJT?


Delete, Delete, Delete…oops.


It doesn’t. It does drive them closer to China though.
This is a tired argument. Good luck for those holding out hopes that China will be handing out free money to rest of the world with no strings attached

Great news! We are borrowing money to feed the rest of the world. First we have to put the oxygen mask on ourselves before we take care of others


It’s true, we (the USA) are literally borrowing money and then sending to all sorts of folks around the world. If we had extra money, I could see perhaps sending it to help others, but if we HAVE TO borrow it? Maybe that’s not such a good idea.


Then let’s not give money to anyone. But that isn’t going to happen is it? That is why the line item veto was such a terrible idea.

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but, But, BUT, the “JCs” NEED more tax cuts, we are told.



No, we should judiciously decide how to spend our money and the money we borrow. That means that Congress has to do their job rather than just say each year “let’s just do the same as last year but 5.34% more”. They’re going to have to do a real budget, otherwise maybe Trump might just shut all the spending off. Maybe he will threaten to not sign the next CR until Congress creates a real budget?

The thing is, if Congress can’t get a budget together, maybe we really do need a line item veto. At least for a while.


So because the party in control of the Congress can’t do their job you want to give the Executive branch more power? I think they call that a dictatorship.


Why would I?

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We borrow for ALL activities. It isn’t as if we borrow ONLY for the money we use for aid.

Every dollar we used on Covid was borrowed.

The same guy that wanted to eliminate the debt ceiling before he even took office? You’re being facetious right?


Delete. Delete. Delete. US AID Delete.

US AID is accused of being a major conduit for laundering the USD with which US CIA bribes tin pot dictators.

And, smuggles materiel into/out of those holey countries.

I guess CIA will now have to create a BTC cache.

:face_in_clouds: Is there a tongue in cheek emoji?
ralph has some BTC adjacent exposure.


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AND the amount we spend on aid is small compared to several other items. People have silly ideas of the size of impact one would get from cancelling all aid.


Absolutely! For as long as I can remember, the US, meaning my tax dollars, or money borrowed in my name, went to the most abhorrent, violently repressive, dictators, who were willing to pay lip service to being “good anti-Communists”.

So, presumably, the function of laundering money for “good” dictators will be outsourced to a for-profit bank. Who could that be? I want some of that stock. The skim would, no doubt, be significant.



Folks here are insinuating a lot about USAID and in most cases I think they are just talking out of their trump.

I served as an expert consultant to a USAID taskforce organized to help mitigate a looming agricultural crisis in Africa. I have nothing but good things to say about the work ethic and effectiveness of USAID. It is gratifying to have Africans thank you for being American because of the efforts USAID does in the name of the American people.

I don’t know how many troops and aircraft carriers good foreign PR is worth, but I suspect it is a lot.

I suspect it is our most effective countermeasure to China’s Belt and Road initiative. USAID is a low cost investment that returns a lot more than is spent. African farms get devastated by a new pest. USAID comes in and teaches how such pests are controlled in the US. US companies then come in sell the stuff needed. If USAID no longer does this, then it will be done by the Germans or Chinese. Economics abhors a vacuum.