Welcome to the new boards

Yes. There’s a learning curve.
I’ve been traveling, and therefore haven’t had a lot of time to pitz around on these new formats.
This topic is my maiden voyage.

And, here’s an “edit”.


Ok, heres a reply to my OP.

So far, it seems doable.

I guess I should see if I can reply.
Might even see if I can start a new thread…naaa

Has the Captain made it here yet?

BL Home Fool

Briefly. He was a bit negative about what he found.

I got an email, today Sep 29, with Zoro’s reply.
The sender is admin@discussion.fool.com.

Zoro, did you do something that caused the reply to also be emailed?

What “setting” caused the email to be sent?

I believe it’s on your settings. click on the bell and change your option.