Well, I lost

Hey, remember those $11,900 tweezers, the ones I couldn’t use because I was sick and so the furnace repair guy tsk tsk’ed his way through our old HVAC and said we need a new one?

And how a couple days later I used the tweezers to pull a clot out of the drain tube and all was well?


Mrs. Goofy has a group of friends who get together on Wednesdays (“Women and Wine”) sometimes, and she told the story. And unanimously they decided that we should get the new furnace because 1) the old one is “old” (duh), and 2) you don’t want to lose it during a cold snap (although we have two, so one could keep half the house warm and I could blow the air around with box fans) and…

Well, long story short, Mrs. Goofy said we should buy the new one and it’s not worth the fight, so we’re buying it. Will be here sometime around Christmas.

Oh Joy.

That was an expensive cold, or whatever it was that laid me out for a couple days. Ah well. Peace in the household, that’s what matters.


Glad you’ve got the resources available for it. As I near an early semi-retirement, I hope not to have to sink $50K into a house… roof / driveway / appliance fails / storm damage whatever. Downsizing better option before all that, but popular area / high prices / low inventory.