Actually, I sold KRO on Friday the 3rd, not Monday the 6th. Why? Two reasons. Friday’s move up was anomalously large. Therefore, a retracement could be expected. Secondly, I wanted to be flat for the weekend, given how chaotic the global geopolitical situation is. As the chart shows, I called that one right.
Permit me, if you would, to quibble with what you say next.
"If you want to be a kewl millionaire, do what Simson Sez to do. “Follow the rules, and you’ll make money. Don’t follow the rules, and you’ll lose.”
Milionaire, schmillionaire. I don’t care about being one, partly because I already are one, and partly because a million just isn’t what it used to be. But the real reason is that some arbitrary amount, such as one million, two million, etc., should be the least of one’s goals. What matters is having 'Enough" --how ever modest that amount might be-- and knowing that, in fact, one has 'Enough". That, and having good health, family, and friends.
So, for me, due to the sheer dumb of luck having wandered into the bond market years and years ago and having made a decent nest egg there means that this stock trading stuff is just an affoardable hobby. It’s fun, but it’s just socially approved gambling, given how distorted and disconnected from reality markets have become due to our dear central banksters.
With regard to following one’s trading rules, “Yes”, as we both know, “Simon” is a good trading system. But it’s really just part of a proper trading trading, not the whole of it, for not addressing a whole range of problems such as position sizing, rule exceptions, etc.