CV-19 booster fades fast

I received my first Covid-19 Moderna vaccines in March and April 2021 and my booster in October 2021. I had a strong reaction to the booster, with a fever and a couple of days in bed. I still feel a twinge in my arm at the vaccination site.

Unfortunately, the booster’s protection seems to fade fast.…

**In the new study, a team of researchers funded by the C.D.C. collected data from 10 states between Aug. 26, 2021, and Jan. 22, 2022. The data include periods during which the Delta and Omicron variants, respectively, accounted for more than 50 percent of cases in the country.**

**The team analyzed 241,204 visits to emergency departments or urgent care facilities and 93,408 hospitalizations among adults older than 18. The researchers did not include milder coronavirus infections.**

**Protection against emergency department and urgent care visits declined from 69 percent within two months of the second dose to 37 percent after five months or more. Booster shots restored those levels to 87 percent.**

**The effectiveness of boosters also waned. Protection against emergency department and urgent care visits dropped to 66 percent within four or five months, and to just 31 percent after five or more months of receiving the third shot, the researchers found.** [end quote]

At this time, the Omicron spike expected from the winter holiday super-spreader events is rapidly falling. But the actual daily level of cases is about as high as the winter peak of 2020-2021. (Daily average cases 187,325.) Deaths lag cases and are still high, 2,474 per day average.…

My rural county is still high. I am still following full Covid precautions, such as taking 5,000 I.U. of Vitamin D per day, masking, shopping early and wiping surfaces at check out with a disinfecting wipe. (Which I will probably continue even after Covid is over since the surfaces are disgustingly filthy.) I would like to go back to the gym but will wait until at least April.

I am cautious since I am over age 65 with asthma. (DH has COPD.) Will I get a fourth vaccination soon? I don’t think so since it probably won’t last. I will continue to take precautions. Merck and Pfizer have developed antiviral drugs. I will consider taking a booster in October along with my annual flu shot.

I think that Covid is becoming endemic. Like the flu, it will return every winter and kill the vulnerable. That’s worth vaccinating against.



And the people who think they don’t need to be vaccinated because they already had it once, or twice, or three times?

COVID-19 natural immunity versus vaccination

A recent study found that 36% of COVID-19 cases didn’t result in development of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The people had different levels of illness – most had moderate disease, but some were asymptomatic and some experienced severe COVID-19.

Natural immunity can decay within about 90 days.

65% of people with a lower baseline antibody from infection to begin with completely lost their COVID-19 antibodies by 60 days.….

How long does Covid-19 natural immunity last? Here’s what new research suggests.

Ultimately, they determined that, under conditions where the virus that causes Covid-19 is endemic, reinfection likely would occur between three and 63 months after a person’s peak antibody response, with a median timespan of 16 months.

“Reinfection can reasonably happen in three months or less,” Jeffrey Townsend, a professor of biostatistics at Yale and co-leader of the study, said.…

So, the learning impaired can expect to catch covid over and over and over.

Steve…sign me up for the vax.


So, the learning impaired can expect to catch covid over and over and over.


Now, that’s just plain silly. No one EVER gets the flu over and over and…

Oh, wait…

I’ll get back to you.

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5,000 I.U. of Vitamin D per day, masking, shopping early and wiping surfaces at check out with a disinfecting wipe.

I have been taking 5k Vit D for years. At $10/yr, silly to not take it. Then again, I am in MN. However, I get most of my shopping delivered–so minimal risks there. Delivery person waits downstairs while I bring down my cart. Loading takes all of 10-15 seconds, so I don’t worry about it too much (masks required in common areas).

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So, the learning impaired can expect to catch covid over and over and over.

I suspect we all will, with the vaccinated/boosted just getting milder cases than they would have otherwise. Youngest is vaccinated, boosted and soloing it out in his apartment downstairs with Covid. Not a fun time but no worse than a bad cold for him. Also missed out on a week of work for this. Got tested Monday afternoon and notified of his positive result Thursday afternoon. We need faster turn around time and payed time off, or people will just not bother getting tested and go to work as usual.

Not great for productivity.