Zoom's Growth: A look back

I wanted to take a look back at Zoom’s revenue for FY 2021 to try to capture how the growth accelerated then slowed through the pandemic.

For the year, Zoom finished by growing revenue 326% from ~ $622 million in 2020 to ~ $2.6 billion in 2021 (they generated 4.26 times more revenue in 2021 than 2020).

To summarize, Q1 and Q2 were out of this world at 74% and 102% QoQ. Q3, released on 30 Nov, and Q4, released on 1 Mar, showed a significant slowdown at 17% and 14% QoQ.

It looked like this:

            04            07      	10            01	
            Q1            Q2	        Q3	      Q4            FULL YEAR
            328,167.00    663,520.00    777,196.00    882,485.00    2,651,368.00 
YOY growth  169%          355%          367%          369%          326%
Seq growth  74%           102%    	17%           14%	

Looking at the table, we can see a big change between Q2 and Q3 when the QoQ growth rate went from 102% to 17%. Saul and others saw that slowdown right away. In fact, he said succinctly on 12 December:


Prior to last year, I don’t think I would have imagined sequential growth of 74% + 102% + 17% + 14%. It’s just not a set of numbers I’m used to seeing. I’m accustomed to seasonality in some companies where lumpy QoQ growth is normal. But with SAAS companies, part of their allure is the lack of seasonality. So for Zoom, this was an outlying set of numbers (which of course was due to the pandemic).

For instance, if we look at Zoom’s revenue growth for the three preceding years we see almost no seasonality.

            04            07      	10            01	
            Q1            Q2	        Q3	      Q4            FULL YEAR
2018        26,753.00 	  32,921.00     40,890.00     50,914.00     151,478.00 
Seq growth                23%	        24%           25%	
2019        60,070.00 	  74,526.00     90,121.00     105,800.00    330,517.00 
YOY growth  125%          126%          120%          108%          118%
Seq growth  18%           24%           21%           17%	
2020        121,988.00    145,826.00    166,593.00    188,251.00    622,658.00 
YOY growth  103%          96%           85%           78%           88%
Seq growth  13%           20%           14%           13%	

Focusing on the the QoQ growth in this table, we can see that, roughly speaking, it falls from 25% to 14% over three years. That’s normal since the rate at which all companies grow, eventually declines. We can also see that there doesn’t appear to be seasonality. Perhaps Q2 showed some, but overall the growth was steady.

And so, Q3 and Q4 of FY 2021 were on track at 17% and 14%, and we just had two ridiculous quarters prior of 74% and 102% growth.

Zoom’s FY 2021 quarters looked like this:

Q1 - Feb, Mar, Apr
Q2 - May, Jun, Jul
Q3 - Aug, Sep, Oct
Q4 - Nov, Dec, Jan (2021)

The bolded months are what I’m going to call “Zoom’s Boom”, which spanned half of March and April - July. Or said another way, half of Q1 and all of Q2. This is when the phones of their sales department were ringing off the hook as they signed up new customers.

In the US, shutdowns went into effect around 14 March. So for my purposes, I consider that the beginning of Zoom’s Boom, and the end to coincide with the end of July because their growth really slowed after that, which I stated above and will show below. “Zoom’s Boom” wasn’t that cut-and-dry of course, but as a thought experiment we can pretend it was.

To help illustrate how the company accelerated then slowed from one quarter to the next, we can pretend that they also reported weekly.

So for Q1, the company reported revenue of ~ $328 million. That was up 169% YoY compared to ~ $122 million in Q1 of 2020. And it was up 74% QoQ compared to ~ $188 million in the previous quarter.

So I asked myself the question: At what weekly rate was Zoom growing in Q1 2021 compared to Q4 2020 in order to grow 74% more in the quarter?

In other words, I wanted to find the weekly rate at which it compounded based on 13 weeks in the quarter in order to achieve 74% growth QoQ.

Said yet another way: How much more did Zoom grow in Week 1 of Q1 2021, than it did in Week 1 of Q4 2020? And then ask the same question for Weeks 2, 3, 4 and so forth until the 13th week of the quarter.

We noted above that their “boom” began mid-quarter. So for the first half, we can pretend revenue was growing at a historically normal rate, and was on track to finish at around 14% QoQ. But then it grew at a ridiculous rate during the second half as the virus took hold.

Q1 would have looked like this below if they reported weekly. The table looks a little funny, but essentially we want to focus on the “GROWTH RATE” column, which is the weekly rate at which it grew relative to the same week in the previous quarter. And the “INCREMENTAL $” column which is the number of additional dollars per week they earned relative to the same week in the previous quarter. (The decimal places are tedious but necessary to get the precise dollar amounts.)

1	3-Feb-2020	 188,251      1.013006%	    1,907 	   190,158   Normal rate
2	10-Feb-2020	 190,158      1.013006%	    1,926 	   192,084   until Week 7
3	17-Feb-2020	 192,084      1.013006%	    1,946 	   194,030 	
4	24-Feb-2020	 194,030      1.013006%	    1,966 	   195,996 	
5	2-Mar-2020	 195,996      1.013006%	    1,985 	   197,981 	
6	9-Mar-2020	 197,981      1.013006%	    2,006 	   199,987 	
**7	16-Mar-2020	 199,987      7.331621%	    14,662 	   214,649   <-- Boom begins**
**8	23-Mar-2020	 214,649      7.331621%	    15,737 	   230,386   They are now** 
**9	30-Mar-2020	 230,386      7.331621%	    16,891 	   247,277   taking over the** 
**10	6-Apr-2020	 247,277      7.331621%	    18,129 	   265,407   planet**
**11	13-Apr-2020	 265,407      7.331621%	    19,459 	   284,865**
**12	20-Apr-2020	 284,865      7.331621%	    20,885 	   305,751**
**13	27-Apr-2020	 305,751      7.331621%	    22,416 	   328,167**

We can see that the WoW rate of growth went from a historic level of about 1%, to over 7%.

For Q2, the company reported revenue of ~ $664 million. That was up 355% YoY compared to ~ $146 million in Q2 2020. And it was up an astonishing 102% QoQ compared to ~ $328 million in the previous quarter.

WoW the growth rates would have looked like this:

**1	4-May-2020   328,167 	 5.564995%     18,262 	      346,429 	Boom continues**
**2	11-May-2020  346,429 	 5.564995%     19,279 	      365,708 	for the full**
**3	18-May-2020  365,708 	 5.564995%     20,352 	      386,060 	quarter**
**4	25-May-2020  386,060 	 5.564995%     21,484 	      407,544**
**5	1-Jun-2020   407,544 	 5.564995%     22,680 	      430,224**
**6	8-Jun-2020   430,224 	 5.564995%     23,942 	      454,166**
**7	15-Jun-2020  454,166 	 5.564995%     25,274 	      479,440**
**8	22-Jun-2020  479,440 	 5.564995%     26,681 	      506,121**
**9	29-Jun-2020  506,121 	 5.564995%     28,166 	      534,287**
**10	6-Jul-2020   534,287 	 5.564995%     29,733 	      564,020**
**11	13-Jul-2020  564,020 	 5.564995%     31,388 	      595,407**
**12	20-Jul-2020  595,407 	 5.564995%     33,134 	      628,542**
**13	27-Jul-2020  628,542 	 5.564995%     34,978 	      663,520**

We can see how seemingly small changes in the rate of the growth can have outsized effects. Zoom’s historically normal weekly rate of growth was around 1%. But when it went to 7% and 5%, it changed the trajectory significantly.

The boom ostensibly ended in that final week of July, we just didn’t know it until 30 Nov when for Q3, the company reported revenue of ~ $777 million in the quarter. That was up 367% YoY compared to ~ $167 million in Q3 2020. And it was only up 17% QoQ compared to ~ $664 million in the previous quarter.

But look we just went from 102% QoQ growth back to 17%. WoW would have looked like this:

1      3-Aug-2020   663,520 	1.223840%     8,120 	     671,640   The boom
2      10-Aug-2020  671,640 	1.223840%     8,220 	     679,860   has ended
3      17-Aug-2020  679,860 	1.223840%     8,320 	     688,181 	
4      24-Aug-2020  688,181 	1.223840%     8,422 	     696,603 	
5      31-Aug-2020  696,603 	1.223840%     8,525 	     705,128 	
6      7-Sep-2020   705,128 	1.223840%     8,630 	     713,758 	
7      14-Sep-2020  713,758 	1.223840%     8,735 	     722,493 	
8      21-Sep-2020  722,493 	1.223840%     8,842 	     731,335 	
9      28-Sep-2020  731,335 	1.223840%     8,950 	     740,286 	
10     5-Oct-2020   740,286 	1.223840%     9,060 	     749,346 	
11     12-Oct-2020  749,346 	1.223840%     9,171 	     758,516 	
12     19-Oct-2020  758,516 	1.223840%     9,283 	     767,799 	
13     26-Oct-2020  767,799 	1.223840%     9,397 	     777,196 	

The WoW growth went back to around 1%.

And Q4 looked like this.

1	2-Nov-2020   777,196 	   0.982092%	 7,633 	         784,829 
2	9-Nov-2020   784,829 	   0.982092%	 7,708 	         792,537 
3	16-Nov-2020  792,537 	   0.982092%	 7,783 	         800,320 
4	23-Nov-2020  800,320 	   0.982092%	 7,860 	         808,180 
5	30-Nov-2020  808,180 	   0.982092%	 7,937 	         816,117 
6	7-Dec-2020   816,117 	   0.982092%	 8,015 	         824,132 
7	14-Dec-2020  824,132 	   0.982092%	 8,094 	         832,226 
8	21-Dec-2020  832,226 	   0.982092%	 8,173 	         840,399 
9	28-Dec-2020  840,399 	   0.982092%	 8,253 	         848,652 
10	4-Jan-2021   848,652 	   0.982092%	 8,335 	         856,987 
11	11-Jan-2021  856,987 	   0.982092%	 8,416 	         865,403  
12	18-Jan-2021  865,403 	   0.982092%	 8,499 	         873,902  
13	25-Jan-2021  873,902 	   0.982092%	 8,583 	         882,485 

The WoW is now under 1%.

Anyway, we can see how revenue accelerated then slowed throughout the year.

Zoom reports Q1 results tomorrow, and the first thing I’ll look for is what was the QoQ revenue growth rate? Was it close to the historical norm, which would put it somewhere around 14% or 15% (around 75% annualized)? Or will it be something much less? I honestly have no idea, but I’ll decide what to do with my remaining 7% allocation when I see the full results.

As I’ve said before, a lot of investors here intuit this stuff already. I just wrote this out for myself and thought it might be helpful. I hope it makes sense.

One of my main takeaways from 2020, is learning when to ignore the headline YoY growth rate because it can be deceiving. Raving about Zoom’s 300%+ YoY growth in Q3 and Q4, was missing how the company was actually growing at the time. (if they had maintained the same rate of growth in Q3 and Q4 as they did in Q2, they would have finished the year with 700%+ YoY growth).

And similarly, when we see Zoom’s Q2 2022 (May, June, July) results in 3 months, the YoY will face a tough comp, so again we’ll want to look at QoQ and try to guess how that will annualize.


  • As a disclosure, I first bought shares in Zoom in December 2019, and added more to the position throughout 2020. It reached about a 20% allocation, but I trimmed if it went above that threshold. I would have added more, but I was never able to fully wrap my head around how fast it was growing at scale. It was like a roller coaster. After Pfizer announced vaccine news in November, and Zoom released Q3 results on 30 November, the position fell to about a 7% allocation through a combination of me selling, and the stock price declining. I hold about a 7% position today.

Hi gmcnatt

It looks a very thorough dissection. I would think though in order to resolve the go forwards possibilities for Zoom as a business we need to double click on:

  1. The launch and take up of Zoom Phone
  2. The compares against prior year when subscription pricing was capped or suspended
  3. The timing of the planned monetisation of hitherto free to use customer base in education
