78 minutes at Robb Elementary

I’m sorry Wendy. I know this isn’t what you want posted but macroeconomics isn’t just financial numbers.



Post a FREE link; or DON’T post!!!

a man who’s never supported the “gray lady”




If Americans followed the Samaurai Code, the school district’s police chief, Pete Arredondo, would commit seppuku in disgrace for giving the command for the police to do nothing. He couldn’t claim that he didn’t know the shooter was still active since a girl called 911 from the classroom 3 times to convey information and beg the police to do something since she could hear them in the hallway outside her classroom.


It would be a “very high bar” to charge him criminally because police officers are given latitude to make tactical decisions. In terms of civil liability, the legal doctrine called “ qualified immunity,” which shields police officers from lawsuits unless their actions violate clearly established laws, could be at play in future litigation. Potential administrative punishments — meted out by the department itself — could range from a suspension or docked pay to forced resignation or retirement, or outright termination.

Gun control is a political hot-button issue that is not allowed on METAR. Sorry, since I’m as upset as anyone could be and have very strong opinions on this issue.



It would be a “very high bar” to charge him criminally because police officers are given latitude to make tactical decisions.

Not only are they given latitude, the police legally don’t have to do anything.


The Parkland officer who also stood by and did nothing was charged under the legal theory that he was a child care giver, not an officer.

I’m sorry Wendy. I know this isn’t what you want posted but macroeconomics isn’t just financial numbers.

Want an macroeconomic vector? People are advocating for schools to be turned into bunkers, to protect them from the wandering nut with a gun. We can’t stop at schools. Every movie theater, every retail store, every workplace, would need to be turned into a bunker, to protect them from the wandering nut with a gun.

What would all that cost? The money used to turn every building of size in the country into a bunker, is money that could not be productively invested in the economy.



What would all that cost? The money used to turn every building of size in the country into a bunker, is money that could not be productively invested in the economy.

That’s nothing. Just wait until we have to build a 5,000 mile flood wall against the rising sea tides and a giant heat sink to prevent the oceans from boiling off.


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…a giant heat sink to prevent the oceans from boiling off.
