Uvalde Police Dept heavily criticized for hand sanitizer use while cowering in hallway during response to mass shooting.
Uvalde Police Dept heavily criticized for hand sanitizer use while cowering in hallway during response to mass shooting.
Uvalde Police Dept heavily criticized for hand sanitizer use
More concerning is the policemen, standing right outside of the room where the perp was, who ran away when the perp started shooting. Then they cowered behind their shields a safe distance down the hall.
More concerning is the policemen, standing right outside of the room where the perp was, who ran away when the perp started shooting. Then they cowered behind their shields a safe distance down the hall.
I’m pretty sure that the courts have held that police officers are under no obligation to put their own life at risk while “servicing” the public.
There may be a few that do, but that’s the exception.
It seems likely that all officers on the scene will have their careers tarnished. Its one of those situations where whatever you do is likely to be examined in detail and may well be criticized.
Who knows how each of us would react in that situation. We should salute those who did make the charge eventually–although it was late.
Taking on an active shooter in a room filled with children has to be difficult. Imagine the headlines if one student was hit by police fire.
I would presume the delays in issuing an official report anticipates there will be lawsuits to follow. Better to wait for the trial. You would think every officer there would be interviewed to describe what he saw and did during the incident.
That “thin blue line” is now even thinner due to SCOTUS order.
Then they cowered behind their shields a safe distance down the hall.
Safety first!
The Captain
So much to comment on here. I probably won’t get to say everything that sprang to mind upon reading this. My father was a cop in Philadelphia. While discussing this very tendency of the police recently my sister said: “They felt threatened?? Let’s see you’re the police. If you don’t feel threatened now and then you’re not doing your job.” This sort of “S” feeds into the 2nd amendment/Libertarian/defund the police crowd. ie "Who needs’ 'em? What are they for besides traffic tickets. Cut my taxes I’ll buy a Glock and that’ll fill the gap. These people cannot plan ahead.
I will leave you with this little ditty from Jaques Offenbach translated into English. Yes, the melody was used by the US Marines for the “Halls of Montezuma” song. The Gendarme's Duet - YouTube
“Traffic tickets”
With so many guns out there, traffic tickets is now dangerous work. And can end a career in law enforcement.
In Missouri we have concealed carry. Drivers routinely drive 80 on the interstates, sometimes 90. That in 60 mph posted zones. Many now have expired temporary plates. Implying not paying property taxes and uninsured.
Broken windows all over again. Lack of enforcement contributes to rising crime rates. Ditto no bail and no jail time for minor crimes.
I know. I was being more facetious or cynical. If our private Glocks and S&W’s are “keeping us safe” and the cops are marginalized down to traffic detail-only then we really don’t need them at all. Traffic stops have their danger. The week I moved here to Omaha 25 yrs ago, a very young, new cop, first week on the job I think, was killed during a “routine traffic stop.”