American high tech media goes European

Guess why?

The Captain

If I had to guess, it would be because they think there will now be an increase in hate speech throughout the media.



That’s a fair guess. The issue becomes the definition of “hate speech.” It’s amazing what can land you in jail in Britain.

The Captain


Agreed. I think that is always the issue. It’s helpful sometimes to look at US law regarding hate speech and hate crimes. The US allows hate speech, but does not allow hate crimes. One of the differences that often gets blurred or even elided is that hate crimes (through words alone) are based on the offender’s perception v. the victim’s. Too often, it looks like we want the perceptions of the victims to control when they are affronted by something when the “offender” did not have that intent.



I’m not certain about this but it seems that under copyright law if the offender does not benefit materially from the offense all you can ask for is “cease and desist” but you can ask for damages if the offender makes money or causes you to lose money. Something similar might apply to speech, offending made non punishable. Laws about slander, libel, and defamation already exist to punish that kind of hate speech.

The Captain

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