Just wanting to say thanks for all of the discussion here today regarding BOFI. I am a somewhat inexperienced investor who is working between 5 - 10 hours per week to understand and master the nuts and bolts of Saul’s methodology. (I am also an O1 member).

I did panic as soon as I saw the huge drop in price as BOFI is one of my two largest positions. The postings helped a great deal.

My goal with regards to this board is to become a valuable member over time. I am planing on doing my own research and then sharing it with others here in the hopes that it will be useful to someone.



I did panic as soon as I saw the huge drop in price as BOFI is one of my two largest positions. The postings helped a great deal.

As investors we cannot go backwards and change the past. Only thing to do especially with events like this is decide what the next move should be given the available information we have (buy more, sell [some or all], or hold).

Mentally for me that helps. It also helps to have a great deal of knowledgeable posters and people giving us more information to work with.


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