On Dec. 1, 2015, I suggested the following OP with just a question mark for a headline. My words as you can see for youself in the OP:
If you need to vent, do so over there, not here…I did not want to fill up this board with posts about a stock which Saul no longer covers…
The second post in this thread reads:
Well, there’s nothing like dropping a big, nasty one in the punch bowl and then telling everyone else to ignore it.
On Dec. 17th, post no. 14773, Saul was quoted in a thread titled “For those no longer following this stock”
SaulR80683: Maybe we can get on to other, more interesting, things now and drop this contentious discussion.
The same poster who thought it was wrong of me to bring up BOFI with just a question mark and suggest moving all discussion about it to the neutral Macro-Economics anything goes board, Free For All Economics, responded to Saul:
The BofI board is pretty dead these days (because all the discussions are here) but if you want to shift all future BofI-related discussions over there, Saul, that sounds like a good way to refocus on what you – and others here – do best.
No doubt Seeking Alpha will be hitting BofI hard with new allegations as year-end approaches but the next important piece of the puzzle, the Erhart declaration, is not due until early January.
Consider this my last word on BofI on this board. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.
To which I respond with “?”
Got Punch?