50 NEV (New Electric Vehicles) heading from China to Europe via rail - trip takes 15 days
Per vehicle, what is the cost comparison of those delivered by train and those delivered by ship through the Suez (or Panama) canal?
I would imagine the shipping option is typically via Car carrier vessels. On the other hand, this is a relatively small vehicle lot, so one could possibly package one or two vehicles per container. On the cost front, that is typically added in as part of MRSP, right? I would imagine the rail cost might end up being higher
Now picture this: 50 NEVs driving from China to Europe
Does the train go through Russia, and does the EU have any problems with that?
I do make some mistakes…actually all the time…but you need to slow down.
The Captain
Google knows EVERYTHING!
Leap, not following you with that. I was wondering if, since Russia invaded the Ukraine, the EU had any problems with goods shipped through Russia.
Or was your post on the wrong thread?
Mea culpla, I am wrong…my apologies. I saw Hohumm and thought shipping…not freight.
@Leap1 - you don’t have to comment on every METAR thread, You really don’t.
You made your position on my economics well known. That you never wanted to talk to me ever again. I believe it was about the poorest among us getting decent pay. That really angered you.
I never take advice on how to post from people with failed ideas on econ.
Your post now is taken as more cold anger instead of an honest discussion of economics. A few people have recommended your post again you have the vocal majority opinion on econ in this forum and it has been wrong for the last 40 years. The uncles not wanted by the family at Thanksgiving because they wont listen to anyone else at the table.
I am going to note something. I came back into this thread to correct my comment and apologize to Bob. There is a history of several people being very wrong about many things in this forum. None of them come back into say they were wrong. Grownups admit properly when wrong especially when an apology is due the other person.
Your comment was very cold.
I have no idea who that quote is targeted at, … But, it has certainly messed up the China - Europe (15 days) discussion.
This was a very cold comment.
As it applies to THIS particular thread, my comment–
@Leap1 - you don’t have to comment on every METAR thread. You really don’t.
is not cold at all. You did not come to participate in a discussion. You came to disrupt. So I have no qualms at calling you out on that.
If my statement applied to all your METAR posts, then sure, it might come across as extreme, or cold.
BTW, if you don’t recall what our prior disagreement was, then
"You made your position on my economics well known. That you never wanted to talk to me ever again. I believe it was about the poorest among us getting decent pay. That really angered you.
I never take advice on how to post from people with failed ideas on econ.
Your post now is taken as more cold anger instead of an honest discussion of economics. A few people have recommended your post again you have the vocal majority opinion on econ in this forum and it has been wrong for the last 40 years. The uncles not wanted by the family at Thanksgiving because they wont listen to anyone else at the table. "
borders on slander. Our prior disagreement was on a post I did not tag with OT - my second Carpe Diem thread in 2022. (early July 2022)
Honestly you do not ever post on economics. I very rarely see you engage in the forum unless you post your own project on transports.
If you want to discuss more on econ do so.
Your lack of posting is only your business. It does not suit me nor does it have to.
You are barely engaged here.
When I start worrying about my well-being, and whether filing a police report is prudent -
Yes, it is probably time to end participation in this thread.
HohumYNWA has checked out