So what you are saying during a severe market decline, a period where markets declined by 50%, I think the market bottomed on March 9th, and when people were literally jumping out of the office window, and nation underwent a serious housing crisis, that is people were losing houses, biggest wall street firms were going under, congress has to pass multiple bailout packages… we didn’t hit 5 weeks in row. But now we are hitting is something you will ignore. I present a data, how you want to look at it, and consume it is up to you.
Here is the problem. When the market has 3 waves down at the bottom of each wave the bearish sentiment is high then it goes up to a lower high when everyone gets bullish and then drops again. Those are both bear and bull traps. Everyone gets chopped up. So be careful when trying to decide when the final drop is. This is a very tricky market.
What validity do you assign to five weeks that you don’t assign to 4 weeks?
Again, it was above 50% in the summer of 2008. Those bears were absolutely correct.
I am not going to assign some value that might be simply be coincidence. For example, maybe the real correlation is not five weeks above 50 but being above 60% for 3 weeks.
Having just two times (as far as we know from this thread) when it was five weeks straight above 50 in the last 30+ years is not a trend for me to buy and sell on. If you feel that one additional week somehow is a panacea for investing (but 4 weeks is not), then feel free.
Apple with its 7% and 9% weight in SP500 and Nasdaq100, is showing a very positive price action. Again, use multiple indicators to see how the market is acting.
That’s not what I said, when the Apple moves that moves 10% of the market cap, market cannot go down or up without big stocks going with them. Hence, Apple performance is important to watch. If you are going to look at individual names, they cannot be such an anchor to the overall market. You can substitute apple with Mag7.
Oh then I disagree. Because the market is heading down and I suspect we will get a dead cat bounce around 17490 then I expect it to take out the lows of 3 /11
In a normal distribution, 68% of observations will fall within 1 standard deviation (1 sigma) and 95% within 2 standard deviation and 99.7% within 3 standard deviation. Now, you should be able to do the math yourself.