Contacting Others Post-Death

While going through my father’s stuff I’ve come across names, emails (not many of those considering his age) and addresses. After debating on it, I figured it doesn’t cost me much time/money to write people a short note telling them I came across their contact info and wanted to let them know he has passed away and if they have any questions, etc. feel free to contact me (and I identified myself).

I’m glad I did this because my father had one email address with no other information on a piece of paper. It was a lady’s name. Considering his age, while he used a computer for years, he was hardly someone online all the time or did much online other than financial stuff.

Anyhow, not long after I sent the person an email I got a very nice response. Apparently the lady was a CNA (maybe certified nursing assistant?) and had worked with my father for years, often going with him on medical appointments. She had been trying to contact him for weeks and getting no answer (obviously). She was very grateful that I contacted her and said she was heart broken.

So add this to list of things to consider doing while settling an estate.
