Crime statistics in 2023

** Crime in the United States has declined significantly over the last year, according to new FBI that contradicts a widespread national perception that law-breaking and violence are on the rise.**

I think the article says it all. Do not let anyone tell you it’s getting worse. If you watch crime on TV and Youtube you will think it is worse than it really is.



The main person for law and order is a criminal.


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From the link:
“The FBI data, which compares crime rates in the third quarter of 2023 to the same period last year, found that violent crime dropped 8%…”[emphasis added]

Clicking through to the CCJ report we read that “Violent crimes remain elevated compared to 2019, the year prior to the COVID pandemic”

So it seems that for the last several years violent crime was higher than pre-covid. “But don’t let anyone tell you it’s getting worse.”



More people are employed and getting much more in pay. The situation is resolving itself. Stirring up nonsense for advantage is kind of fake.

Some people are glass half full and some are glass half empty but yes Inflation and Crime are coming down. Down is good, = or > bad.



The cancel culture claim folks tipped over the glass from 1981 to 2020. The same folks just want to tip over the glass one more time.

Put the criminals in charge.

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One more thing DB2 I went back and read the article and it seems you left out the whole quote, so let me provide it. Let’s bold the part left out.

The FBI data, which compares crime rates in the third quarter of 2023 to the same period last year, found that violent crime dropped 8%, while property crime fell 6.3% to what would be its lowest level since 1961, according to criminologist Jeff Asher, who analyzed the FBI numbers.



And vehicle thefts were up 33%.

The point I was trying to make is that the original article had a very short time frame.

As for people’s perceptions, it is common knowledge that if it bleeds, it leads. Violent crime gets a lot more attention than property crime.



Right but your time frame could be considered very short also. My point was that crime is coming down and that is why we should be optimistic.

True but I remember just recently all the video’s of people stealing from stores that was rampant on “TV News” and we found out later that it was way over blown. It seems that some people are trying to scare people into believing the world is more scarier than it really is. I can’t remember the last time I noticed any crime.



And in California…

Newsom is asking lawmakers to create new categories of crimes targeting “professional” offenders who have stolen property or burglarized vehicles with the intent to resell them and to enhance penalties for people who resell large amounts of stolen goods. He also wants to clarify existing powers to arrest retail thieves and aggregate separate offenses, making permanent a law allowing charges for organized retail crime.


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But it objectively isn’t getting worse. It is getting better.


Organized retail crime has been an ongoing topic on this board. ORC exists, but there is no evidence it is a growing or even a particularly large problem.

Keep in mind: Fear is an easy way to manipulate people. Corrupt politicians and media outlets use fear as a tool to control their marks. Fear is also a tool commonly used to take away civil rights.

The crime rate is going down. ORC is not a particularly big or growing problem. Choose not to live in fear.

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