CV-19 infects male genitals

The infection of male genitals by Covid-19 was discovered by accident when researchers PET scanned rhesus macaques to look at their lung infections.…

**The coronavirus invades cells in the penis and testicles of monkeys, researchers discover.**

**By Roni Caryn Rabin, The New York Times, March 1, 2022**

**The coronavirus may infect tissue within the male genital tract, new research on rhesus macaques shows. The finding suggests that symptoms like erectile dysfunction reported by some Covid patients may be caused directly by the virus, not by inflammation or fever that often accompany the disease...**

**About 10 to 20 percent of men infected with the coronavirus have symptoms linked to male genital tract dysfunction, studies have reported.**

**Men infected with the virus are three to six times as likely as others to develop erectile dysfunction, believed to be an indicator of so-called long Covid.**

**Patients have also reported symptoms such as testicular pain, reduced sperm counts and reduced sperm quality, decreased fertility and hypogonadism, a condition in which the testes produce insufficient amounts of testosterone, leading to low sex drive, sexual dysfunction and reduced fertility....** [end quote]

I wonder if this will help convince guys to get vaccinated?


I wonder if this will help convince guys to get vaccinated?

Not likely, especially since there are vaxxed people like me complaining that their 5G chip still doesn’t work!

I notice there is little talk of the Darwin Award any more. I guess there are hundreds of thousands of examples, too many to mention?

Covid-19 is Darwinism at work.


I posted the OP on Facebook and called it Darwinism. I already got this comment from a friend:

“I realize we are tired of Handmaid’s Tale references, but this is literally the catalyst Atwood uses for all the horrific policies that follow.”

I haven’t read Handmaid’s Tale nor seen the series. Is this true?

I guess there are hundreds of thousands of examples, too many to mention?

From the numbers I saw reported the other day, we are very close to hitting seven figures.


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Covid-19 is Darwinism at work.

Wuhan at work?

The Captain


Covid-19 is Darwinism at work.

Wuhan at work?

The Captain

“The Lord works in mysterious ways!”

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One can only hope that athletic supporters are not mandated as the next logical protective step.



I wonder if this will help convince guys to get vaccinated?

IMO, the most it will do is cause guys to stop ‘monkeying around’. But perhaps I’m too optimistic?