Well, earlier in the year, March, I had my '06 F150 serviced, as well as replacing the elderly battery… Less driving had led to the old battery failing, so OK, replace it…
Well, after a bit of a virus, hip pain, once again I haven’t been driving again… But, seeing the cobwebs n such, my plan today was to take it through the carwash, grab lunch, etc… Oops…
Never happened, totally dead battery, I measure 1 volt on the terminal posts… Couldn’t reach the back seat where the Jump started was… Back door would not unlock, can’t reach the little knob…
So hooked up the reliable Exide charger, it shows power ON, but still no Charging lamp, even in the Start mode. Apparently the voltage is too low for it to kick in…
So I did read the Jump Starter, it may be low, but it didn’t kick it over either, so I’m charging that… There is a Force Start button I hadn’t known about on the connector, will try that when I try again…
Only thing I know that was on was the trailer brake controller, it’s dark, so no power also indicated… Just too long not being used…
I could call AAA, but they’d want to replaces that new battery, I’m hoping I can recover it if I can actually fire it up…
How to mess up a nice quiet Sunday… (DW is off to a family event on the coast…)
Update: ~5PM - - After re-charging th Li-Ion Jump Starter, and using the magic hidden button to Force Start, I had action, it started, so I closed up everything, went for a long drive, keeping the rpm up, back home, it restarted OK, but the Exide Charger now shows it is Charging, so it just couldn’t pick it up from that 1.026 voltage it had settled down to… So I’ll leave the charger on overnight, should be good to go… I did run it through the car wash, exterior only so I didn’t have to shut it off… All clean again!