Disappearing text!

This is the most bizarre computer issue I’ve ever seen!
The text in an email I got from a friend disappears when I open the email. If I refresh, it appears again for a second, and then disappears.
The same thing is happening with one post I posted on a discussion forum. It’s there, then disappears, reappears when I refresh and disappears.
So far these are the ONLY two instances of this bizarre behavior.
I rebooted my computer. Same thing. Those two instances are still doing the above.
I just did a new post on the discussion board, and that one is fine, except the subject line of the post is doing the same behavior. And the subject line of ALL the posts on that forum are doing it!
Any ideas???
I hope it stays limited to only those two instances.


That is bizarre. Did it start after you stopped that computer upgrade? Not saying that is what caused it but who knows?

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It always helps others to tell he specs of your system, software, hardware, else all is like a fogbank, waiting for sun to shine in, show all the details… Screenshots, times, like the news, who, what, when, where…


Different computer. These weird issues are NOT happening on my laptop, which is the one you are referring to.
So far, it’s just those instances and only on my desktop computer.


PC Windows 10 Gmail. Can’t do screenshots. The info is from other people who might not want me spreading their comments.

RBMunkin clearly has avoided some updates. Perhaps something affecting his mail program or display is more recent than Windows 10. In my experience there is a reason the folks making hardware and software when giving support ask if the customer has updated software.


In Yahoo mail I would view the email in Raw mode just to see what is there. But apparently gmail doesn’t have that. (And email isn’t the only place you are seeing it!)

Have you tried a different browser? I live in Firefox, but have Chrome available for a few sites, and DuckDuckGo too. Oh, and whatever Microsoft keeps putting up front after each update, but I never use that, whatever it is called.

I would worry about malware if that happened to me. What do you use for protection? I can imagine some sort of browser add-in being taken over, or perhaps just corrupted.

Can you use your mouse to select in the blank area? I’m imagining that the text is there, but white text on white text, and so not visible. If so it should be possible to select with the mouse, as in hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse around.

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Not sure why you thought my Windows is not up to date. Sure it’s still Windows 10, but they are still supporting that and it’s up to date.


OK Rick it sounds like your system has a corrupted driver or file? Try this and see if it fixes the problem.

The more I think of this, the more I come back to an issue within the browser, whether the browser itself or an add in.

You could try printing that email.


Or try a different browser.

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I have sometimes seen that.
In Outlook (desktop version) there are 3 dots top right when the message is open.
Click them and choose Translate.
The text returns.

I have no idea why (some weird character combination? image corruption?) but it seems to work consistently.

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Thanks. I’ll try that when I have time. The rest of my day is crowded with tasks!

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Good idea to try printing it. Header stuff, date, etc is there but not the text!

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When I do that translate thing, the text comes back for a second and then disappears again, just like when I close and reopen the email.

It does not do those things in MS Edge on my desktop. It also does not do them in Chrome on my laptop. ONLY in Chrome on my desktop.
I’m going to ignore it for now. It’s only two instances and isn’t happening anywhere else.

That is great Rick so it looks like RH has it correct. Delete your chrome on your desktop and reload it. That should fix the problem.